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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. purcelce

    Web Belt?

    Yes to the web belt. It will last for years. If the buckle gets banged up too bad, you can replace it without buying a new belt.
  2. If the boys come up with a calendar of things they want to do (like campouts and suSH). Dose this calander go through the troop committee for approval or not?
  3. Glad to see this issue is not just in my unit. Great ideas! Also I want to extend a warm "I'm sorry" for my misspelling on the first post, was in a hurry and didn't check it.
  4. In our troop we're revamping our bylaws. Should we or shouldn't we require the Scout pants/shorts is the big issue. I'm for the full uniform. Others on the troop committee say they should be optional (maily due to costs). What dose your unit do?
  5. I'm an ADC and ASM, but have one uniform shirt. I put velcro on the ADC and ASM patches. All you have to do is switch patches and shoulder loops. It saves money from buying two uniform shirts. Our DC showed me this trick. Anybody else out there do this?
  6. We just got back from Camp Joy, Okaw Valley Council, in Illinois. We all had a great time! Quite hot the first part of the week, but a cold front came through and cooled things off for Thurs and Fri.
  7. I have a friend of mine who is putting together a history of Scouting in Western Ky. Namely the old Four Rivers Council and White Feather Lodge 499 of the Order of The Arrow. Any newspaper clippings, pictures of Cub/Boy Scout activities, or just your memories would be greatly appricated. You can contact me at carypurcell@hotmail.com Thanks
  8. Just to let you folks know, we got one new boy to sign up! He's going with us on our campout this weekend!
  9. If the boy completes the requirements in the minimum time, then he deserves it! I got my Eagle when I was 15, and I was a "late bloomer" in my troop. I think getting Eagle at ANY age shows that the youth is bound for greatness in life.
  10. Any ideas on how to get new boys to sign up with the troop??! We recently set up a Camp Display near a youth center. We got one boy who said "maybe", and a cubscout. Anything and Everthing will be greatly appricated.
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