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Everything posted by purcelce
I never go camping without my........
purcelce replied to yarrow's topic in Open Discussion - Program
COFFEE!!!!! -
Hops, Congrats on your OA call out. Summer Hodag (Ordeal weekend) is Aug 15 -17. Hope to see you there. If not we will catch you in April for Spring Ordeal. Heading out to Camp Joy for a few days this week, and headed to Philmont with the Mt Vernon guys next week. Cary P Advisor to Vice Chief Taleka Lodge 81
As a parent: When my daugher crossed over from Daisy Scouts to Brownies back in March. As a Scouter: When I attended an Eagle Ceremony earlier this year. When I went up to offer my hand in congratulations, the new Eagle refused my and and gave me a big hug instead.
As a parent: When my daughter crossed over from Daisy Scouts to Brownies back in March. As a Scouter: When I attended an Eagle Ceremony earlier this year. When I went up to offer my hand in congratulations, the new Eagle refused my and and gave me a big hug instead.(This message has been edited by purcelce)
Right now I'm in an 80's Hair Band/Heavy Metal Phase (Oh how I will never get out of my High School days). But my all time favorites are: Kiss, Boston, The Cult, Pearl Jam, Styx, Journey, Great White, Supertramp, Rush, Ozzy, Bush, Creed, Human League, U2, BTW the best CD I have bought in a long time was the Soundtrack to "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" Long live the Soggy Bottom Boys!!!!
For me is working with the kids. It's such good feeling when the kids run up to you and give you the big bearhug. Second is the friends I've made. From all walks of life, we have at least one thing in common. Watching these boys grow into responsible young men. To see more good reasons why I think Scouting is great, check out http://groups.msn.com/CarysScoutingExperience
Ditto to other posters. Looks like this is BSA wide
All training is important. But for me the best was attending OA National Leadership Seminar. I attended as a youth back in 1982, where they tought you how to be a Lodge Officer. I recently attended NLS as an adult and they now teach you Leadership Styles that you can use in everyday life. YIS Cary P
Ox, If you have the time then I say go for it. If the committee wants you as a leader then sign up. (Following BW's words of wisdom) I was in the same boat as you last spring. After 15 years away from the program, I called the local council to find a troop I could help out with. Well the DC contacted me and gave me info on a local troop, he also "conned" me into an ADC position. Now I hold "3" jobs in Scouting....ASM, ADC, and Advisor to the Vice Chief in the local lodge. (Not to mention I'm a committee member for my daughter's GS troop). That's enough on my 15 second cheap plug. Back to the real purpose of the post... I feel that if the Crew wants you as a leader (advisor, committee member, etc.) then sign up. The more adults involved in a unit, the better, and stronger the unit will be. Troops/Crews should be run by the youth, but need a lot of support from the adult leaders. (Hopefully all the unit adults can play together nicely.) Also, I think if you hook up with the crew it will give you more experience for your commish job. I'm still learning about Cub Packs and Venturing Crews... Good luck to you. (This message has been edited by purcelce)
Has anybody had problems with the knots on the uniform? Those little suckers are hard to tell if they are right side up or not. I took a shirt in to alterations to add a knot. Must of spent 20 minutes showing the alterations lady how to tell if it was right side up or not. She smiled and gave the comment "And I thought the military uniforms were complicated." As for Temp patch. I rotate my vintage 1980 Philmont patch with three other temp patches that have the button loop. It's a slight pain (but well worth it) on wash day when I have to take off all the doo dads to wash my uniform. There is nothing more painfull then attempting to find the frogs for your name tag in the washing machine. YIS Cary P
OA sashes are only worn at OA functions or representing the OA (i.e. unit elections, OA tap outs at Camp).
Hope this helps: Full uniform with merit badge sash for: Scout Sunday, COH, Family Nights, CO events. Full unifom without merit badge sash for all other events. Only exception would be a Scout T-shirt in place of the uniform shirt for summer camp day wear. As a rule I would use the merit badge sash for "special/ceremonial events." (This message has been edited by purcelce)
Hops, I'm in St. Clair District.
Our District Fall Camporee will be "Leave No Trace" Any ideas out there in Scouter Land? We just came up with the idea after roundtable tonight. YIS Cary P.
Kind of sad that 2Cub and BW "kissed and made up". This was a good debate. I was looking forward to them dueling with lodge flaps Kind of refreshing to see good debate other then the 3G's. But back to the subject... I found this on the National OA site. It explains the adult role better then anything I've seen printed. WWW Cary P Advisor to Vice Chief Taleka Lodge 81 The role of the adult in the Order of the Arrow is the same as it is throughout Scouting to help young men grow through a program that the youth plan and run. This help can sometimes include training, counseling, and advising leaders or the individual member. There are however, some practical differences. In the troop, there are fewer adult leaders than youth leaders, so each Scouter is kept busy with the advising of several Scouts. On the other hand, at Order of the Arrow events there are usually far more Scouters present than elected lodge leaders. Thus most of the Scouters present must take a back-seat role, lending support to those who attend OA functions, but without the direct advisory relationship to any leader. As a Scouter, you wear the Arrow to make it more significant to Scouts. If you were selected as an adult, it was for this reason, rather than as an honor or an award. If you were elected as a youth member, but have reached the 21 and beyond mark, it is necessary for you to make a smooth transition to an adult adviser to preserve the aims of the program. Nonetheless, your own induction into the Order can be a great opportunity for your own personal growth. Furthermore, you must remember that you are observed by younger Arrowmen and must be an exemplary participant. There are two distinct Scouter roles in the Order: that of the adviser appointed for a particular youth leader, and that of other Scouters. Each adviser in the Order is responsible for the program under his jurisdiction. It is inappropriate for the adviser to run the program, however, he should always make sure that he is informed about the decisions being made by the youth. It is your task to make sure that the young men succeed. This can include training, transportation, and always staying involved and informed. A Scouter without an adviser position has his main responsibility outside of the Order in his troop. His main responsibility within the Order is to support its program in his Scouting position
twocubdad, BW has stated the best advice. Contact the Lodge Advisor, or Lodge Staff Advisor. They will be more than happy to answer your questions or concerns.
KS, Good luck on the move. Where are you headed to?
Bob White wrote "They should be funding us for who we are, not for who they want us to be." Amen Bob!
All right a "fun" debate. I'm in the Air Force and I carry an umbrella in my AF uniform. I wear the gortex when I'm in BDU's, but the umbrella is the best rain gear when I wear my blues. The umbrella is handy when I pick up my kids from daycare on a rainy day. Keeps me and the kids semi-dry when we head to the car.
We had SPL elections last night. The newly elected SPL wasn't at the meeting due to studying for finals. SM went up to dad wondering if our AWOL Scout would accept the newly elected position. Dad shrugged his shoulders and advised he would ask and get back with us. The clever geezer that I am, pulled out my cell phone dialed, and handed the phone to our Tweener ASM. Tweener ASM announced that the new SPL would accept. There was much rejoining after that. I'm a firm believer that cell phones are necessary in emergencies.
Ed, Congratulations on Vigil! WWW Cary P Vigil Honor 1984
My two cents... If you go the MB Pow Wow as a troop, then count it as a troop activity. Other things I've seen as Troop/Patrol activities other than meetings are: Campouts. Day Trips. Scouting For Food Drives (If done as a unit) Unit Service Project Days. Parades. Flag Ceremonies. My feelings are if the Troop does something as a Troop, then it's a troop activity.
Pack update! I picked up a Gregory external frame pack off of ebay...had it for a month and it works great!!!!
Guess that's why the call it an Ordeal I remember mine vividly. It was July 1980 at Camp Roy C. Manchester. Back then all you could take was just a sleeping bag. I was put on the shore of Kentucky Lake. Had no rain, but I slept on a bed of rocks, and had bugs all over me...
Michigan International Camporee 2004
purcelce replied to coc180's topic in Scouting Around the World
Sounds great! Going to look into this.