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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. FOG wrote, "Sorry, that's the Air Force, they really aren't "military." :-) " If that's the case then somebody has been playing a real mean trick on me for the past 19 years. For Meryln: Here are few more CO's that you can add to your list, from Scott AFB. Troop 5 - Tanker Airlift Control Center Troop 6 - 375th Medical Group Troop 15 - U.S. Transportation Command Crew 932 - 932nd Airlift Wing Post 375 - 375 Airlift Wing Pack 21 - VFW (Pack is a "base" pack) In addition several local schools are CO's for Packs/Troops in my council. If a military unit sponsoring a BSA unit were illegal, then these charters would have been pulled. very respectfully Cary P (This message has been edited by purcelce)
  2. FOG wrote, "The final answer is that since the flag patch is not a flag, each organization is allowed to chose the way it wants to wear it." AMEN
  3. YOUTH: - Making Eagle and Eagle COH - Philmont - OA Ordeal - OA Vigil Night - Being Elected OA Vice-Chief - My first summer camp - My first OA Conclave and OA NLS ADULT: - Summer Camp Scoutmaster for provisional troop. - NOAC 2002 - Asked by youth to be an Associate OA Advisor. - Getting suckered into the ADC job - Being selected as District Commisioner of the Year - Philmont 2003. - Getting the invitation to by Scouts to attend their Eagle COH's. - All the new friends I have, thanks to Scouting.
  4. Any suggestions? Looking for one that can feed aprox 20 -25, very little mess, and above all good. Also any ideas for cold lunch besided sandwhiches and chips, that deal will lillte or no prep time.. YIS Cary
  5. This to all you Illinois guys. How many of your are headed to the Illini Jamboree in Champaign? We have 40 from Scott AFB going (Three troops and a couple of webelos from our Cub Pack). I know of a few other Troops that are headed from my Council. I would like to meet up with some of my cyber buds if our up (or down) that way. YIS Cary P Illini Jamboree 2003! Prairielands Council, BSA and the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign announce that Illini Jamboree is a GO for 2003! Over 3500 campers participated in "Illini Jamboree 2002," hosted by Prairielands Council. Boy Scout troops enjoyed a weekend of camping on the former Chanute Air Force Base and a convincing win by the University of Illinois football team over Arkansas State. Boy Scouts joined both football teams on-field honoring America during the national anthem,with great coverage by ESPN-Plus. For 2003, the dates have been set - September 5-7 at the former Chanute AFB, Rantoul, Illinois. The football game will be University of Illinois vs. Illinois State University. REGISTER NOW! The Illinois/Illinois State FB Game is already nearing sellout!
  6. scoutldr, I wasn't implicating that being overweight = heart disease. Philmont rules state that if a person the maximum allowable weight, they are not going on the trail. I know quite a few guys that close to the Philmont max and quite a few years older then me that can do cartweels up and down the mountians. Now for smoking, I think that smoking has not place in Scouting. Actually Philmont helped me quit smoking...It has been over 4 weeks since I've had a puff of the ole cowboy killers. I used to hate going all weekend on a campout without one, then get home and hide in my bathroom puffing away on a few. Now those days are over
  7. Mike, When it comes to Philmont back country, hurt feelings take a back seat. Remember Philmont is for the boys, not the adults. Let your youth crew make the choice, or use your shakedown method. Also the weight standards are non-negoitable. After we got off the trail I was approached by the contingent leader from our neighboring council who had just arrived. Seems that two folks from thier contingent was well over the max weight and needed a ride back home. As for the feet, I think it was mix of boots and not being in shape.
  8. In another thread a few classic movies came up. So today's question is.... What is your favorite comedy movies? I mean the ones that make you laugh, even after the 543rd viewing. For me: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles, Dumb and Dumber, Young Frankenstien, and Happy Gilmore.
  9. LOL to "History of the World Part I".....It's good to be the King!(This message has been edited by purcelce)
  10. One definate rule is that the adult (and kids) MUST be in shape, and can handle the pain. The crew that I went with this summer, had one advisor who's feet became a problem. At times we had to stop every five minutes. On our trip to Baldy which was a 12 mile day, we had to send a few guys ahead just to make sure we got our commisary pick up before they closed. Good attitude, and someone who can keep their mouth shut when things go bad is another plus. At Philmont I learned how to keep my mouth shut,and let the kids solve their own problems. It was tough at times but well worth it, great to see the youth work on their own. Just a few thoughts. Cary P(This message has been edited by purcelce)
  11. To be sarcastic A great "Pre-Renaissance" Movie would be "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" That movie has lots of ideas for skits (yes some are appropriate for Scouts). And there was much rejoicing. yea.
  12. Here's an interesting twist. I'm sure it's done in other areas also. I saw a Venturing Crew that wears the Boy Scout Tan Shirt with green shoulder loops.
  13. Will have to get back with you guys on this...I have a few, that I'll post later.
  14. I almost spit coffee on my monitor while reading this one! Good one Dave! YIS Cary
  15. The Sarge has entered the building! Campfire now has been doused with girl scout juice...come on in the room and join the fun....even Marines are welcome to chat with the Wing Nut. Cary P
  16. "For those waiting with baited breath, the vote happens at 1630 CDT. (For you ex-Marines, the little hand will be on the....)" LOL! Good one Sctldr. I just hope the Jarheads don't get mad and stomp on Mickey.... Semper Fi Cary P, MSgt, USAF
  17. A few of the many pics that I took at the ranch, can be viewed at http://groups.msn.com/CarysScoutingExperience/
  18. Campfire now has been doused with girl scout juice...come on in the room and join the fun....
  19. Oh what a great time! Not much has changed since I last visited the ranch 23 years ago. Will add a few of my special moments in another post. YIS Cary P
  20. there are two of us in the chat room at groups.msn.com/BoyScouts
  21. Anybody else going to arriving that day? Would love to hook up with one of my forum buds. See you around the ranch. Cary P
  22. purcelce


    Can't we all just agree that we disagree on this issue Or better yet, should we get a pro's two cents on this?
  23. SST3RD has hit the nail on the head! NSP should be done on the needs and wants of the troop. I don't see how a NSP can work with a troop of 6 boys. NSP and Venture Patrols only work with troops that have the boys and resources. I know of several small troops that in our council that put on a great program without NSP/Venture Patrols. How do they do this? They are flexible. Just my 2 cents. YIS Cary P Camp Commish, Camp Joy 2003
  24. Don't forget about those who are serving in the Armed Forces in your prayers this 4th of July weekend. Young men and women are still putting their lives on the line in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other distant lands. Also don't forget those who have served. Hug a Vet this weekend and tell them thanks! YIS Cary P. Proud member of the USAF, and the BSA
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