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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. Personally I have not noticed any personal attacks to Mr and Mrs. R. on this forum. THUTH2, Don't start throwing stones here. Mr R posted asking for input and he got from my fellow forum members. This forum is for opinions on issues, and we have given our opinion. If it not the opinion you had hoped for then sorry, but I call them like I see them (given the information that I was able to find) I am not hiding. Cary P Belleville IL
  2. And yet another post I found... After reading the article and the discussion boards, I have formed the opinion the Rasmussen's are not about the youth, but about how much money they can make off a frivolous lawsuit. I may be wrong but I can smell, and this all smells bad. ------------------------- posted by kingmj50 We were recent members of this Troop and I can say that the Rasmussens do not follow the Scout Oath and Scout Law set by the BSA. They are at best con-artist from New York that Ive ever met, and surround themselves with people that theyve been able to manipulate towards there true cause To make them look like true BSA Leaders and Sue the BSA for a large monetary award. There are many volunteers who serve the BSA with Honesty and Honor to see that the boys and girls that choose to join the BSA are provided with the guidelines that are needed to become a strong and confident adult. Pauma Rasmussen was the only committee member of this troop and had complete control of the finances with no oversight. The BSA guidelines encourage that all parents with children involved in the Boy Scouts be involved in the troops activities, and as a committee member when possible. The Rasmussens had total control of all aspects on how this troop was run. If you made any suggestions for a positive change within this Troop you would be treated as an outsider and no longer a member or their inner circle of followers. Keith Rasmussen opinion of the National BAS organization was that they only exist to run fundraisers. He choose to have the members of Troop 700 not participate in the fundraisers, and since the troops committee existed only of his wife Pauma there was never any opposition to any of the decisions on how the Troop was run. If you did oppose any of their decisions you would end up transferring out of Troop 700 because you and your child would no longer be welcome as part of their troops family. Was Keith a good leader? Just ask those former members of Troop 700 that are now members of other Troops throughout Brevard County. The Rasmussens are not the true leaders that I want my son to be influenced by. Recently the Rasmussens had a donated storage shed erected on there personal property by the members of Troop 700. The Rasmussens had knowledge that the Troops Charter was being revoked during the time this shed was erected. The intent to build this shed on their property was to store the Troops equipment in it, and this equipment belongs to the Charter Organization. When the Charter had been revoked, one member of Troop 700 was asked by the Rasmussens to store the Troops equipment on their property until the sheds constructions was complete. The individual storing this equipment was informed that the Charter Organization wanted the equipment delivered to the Church, Pauma Rasmussen was consulted on the equipment issue so where is Troop 700s Equipment now? Ask the Rasmussens My son and I have been to Camp La-No-Che on several occasions, and we have always seen the dedicated staff do everything to accommodate every camper, even those who are in wheelchairs-- there is no discrimination issue here. Remember that the Boy Scouts of America only works because of its volunteers. The BSA has many dedicated member and if you dont like an organization like the BSA then resign your volunteer position and go somewhere your services are needed, but dont bring lawsuits like this one to a great organization like the BSA. http://forums.floridatoday.com/viewtopic.php?t=60058&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30
  3. The Girl Scout units around my parts are great. My daughter is a Junior and her troop does a lot of stuff, have a great program, heck they even went camping this past weekend. As with any organization it is the leaders that make or break the program.
  4. I found this posted on the forum section of the Orlando Sentinal newspaper article...This gives another side to this twisted story. ------------------------- Posted by "I Was There", Titusville Fl. OK folks, I was there. You don't know half this story. The reporter did not do a complete investigation of this issue. Before the Rathmussens came to this organization there were approximately 125 kids in the 700 scouting program. There use to be Tiger cubs, Cub scouts, Webelos, and Boy Scouts. There were 18 active adults participating weekly in the advancement of these kids in scouting. Now there are only approximately 22 Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members. There is no active tiger, cub, or webelos at 700 anymore. The leaders were kicked out and the organization s died. This Troop was gutted by the Rathmusens. 40+ people were kicked out of this Troop including good kids. We had a great organization there before these people showed up. We went camping once a month. In two years these scouts may have been on less than a handful of camp outs. A lot of good adults and kids got soured by the type of organization these people turned 700 into. As for all the kids that they say have handicaps they cater to, just propaganda. They are using this to get everybody thinking they are being picked on because they are different. Not so! The kids in 700 do not raise money for the Troop they raise money for a private "non profit organization" not associated with scouts. Guess who runs the "non profit organization"? It is not the BSA but the people running troop 700. This means that these kids from 700 who wash cars on weekends and other fund raisers do not see the money in the troop account. Their "needs" are provided for by the "non Profit organization" and you know that the people who run the "non profit organization" need to get paid "administrative costs". Hmmmmmm. Maybe the reporter has a bigger story here. If the reporter wants to do a good job. Come find us 40+ volunteers and kids who were kicked out. We have the real story. We are all just waiting to be contacted so we can tell our story. I know I was there! http://www.topix.net/forum/source/orlando-sentinel/T1GPH89NHHTVQ89NI/p2
  5. Amen brother and fellow Crew Advisor!!! Cary P Crew 805 Advisor WB C-39-06
  6. The networking and fun I had with old friends and new friends.
  7. p.s. Sorry about the mis spellings...I have been on some pain meds for a bad back that I threw out yesterday. Happy trails Cary
  8. After getting some hate mail and reading other post about our beloved WB program this is what I have come up with. 1. WB is not perfect and it will not please everyone. 2. WB is a leadership training seminar that takes place outdoors. 3. We all need to stop complaining about the course, if we have constructive ideas for it then pass them on to your Counicl WB staff and let them get the info to national. 4. Encouarge those who have not gone to WB to go. 5. We have all gotten something from our WB experience. Accentuate the positives and hide the negatives. 6. We went to or are going to WB to make sure we have the best tools to give the youth we serve the best Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, or Venturing program we can give them. 7. WB was fun, you met a lot of good people there, os we need to stop whining go out there and show the kids what WBer are really like. YIS Cary P Crew 805 Advisor WB Class C-39-06 Go Bobwhites That is all I am going to
  9. update to my last post: WB should NOT be Boy Scout specific....there are Cub Scouts, Venturing, Varsity Leaders, and District people that attend the course. Mastering camping skills should be done at Scoutmaster Specific training...and I have taught SM Outdoor leader training.
  10. WB is evolving just like other types of training classes, with my research on the old wb to the new, the new appears to be the better. WB was a good experience for me, I had fun, learned some stuff, and made some new friend, but it was not the mountian top experience that several of the WB "mafia" told me it would be. What really needs to change is some folks "attitude" toward the program. It is not a "religion", a fraternity, or click, like some folks make it appear. Some folks take it too serious and feel that some folks like me are out to "tarnish the good name of wb" (that is another story) I have no problem with folks feeling that way, but the clic part is what I have a problem with. It isnt all WBers just a very small percentage. With my "attitude" toward wb, I will never be invited to work staff. But is ok, cuz I get my batteries charged by working with my youth! Have a great day folks Cary P C-39-06
  11. The current WB course is good overall. The leadership training should be the main focus. OGE and Glern summed up my feeling to the tee.
  12. This may tick some people off, but hey this is America. This poem sums up my feelings about the secular world trying to take away from the real reason of Christmas . Christmas Poem The month before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. Why the PC Police had taken away, The reason for Christmas - no one could say. The children were told by their schools not to sing, About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things. It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say December 25th is just a 'Holiday'. Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it! CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod Something was changing, something quite odd! Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda. As Targets were hanging their trees upside down At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found. At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears. Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty Are words that were used to intimidate me. Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton! At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter. And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace. The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded The reason for the season, stopped before it started. So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree' Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me. Choose your words carefully, choose what you say Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holiday!
  13. Bagpipes show up in Steve Earl's Copperhead Road and a few songs by Slade.
  14. Yes they did the Venturers at my course...some of the kids were from my crew There are other parts of Venturing than just the Outdoors part, some crew are into hobbies, sea scouts, etc...would have been better if they would have spent 30 minutes going over the Venturing program. But the "cross-over" of the TGs to Venturing at WB is not how it is done in the real world. Plus the uniform police would have had a field day when they put green tabs on the tan shirt...
  15. My two cents... Add more Venturing information to the program, or at least have a staff member who works with Venturing give the bits about Venturing to the class. I was the only Venturing Adult leader in my class. The first day they one of the staff members giving a briefing on Venturing and were giving bits of wrong information. Of course the big mouth I am, I chimed in and corrected the situation on the spot. Afterwards I was taken to the side and counceled about interupting. Several of the members of my class didn't know about Venturing and I was swamped the first weekend with questions about the program. Our patrol project was to give the brief outline of the four programs in BSA: Cubs, Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Venturing. The BW patrol did good and my class members and the staff had a general understanding of all the programs. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor WB C-39-06 I used to be a BOBWHITE!!!!!!
  16. Get the unit chartered. Recruit good adult leaders Recruit youth. Have the youth earn their own money. A few car washes/bake sales can get you a few hundred bucks. If need a few bucks, then ask the CO for help. The money in the troop accounts belong to that troop. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
  17. I'm going to have to side with my fellow forum members. Too vague on the details to make an educated opinion.
  18. I used to be a Bobwhite, and a Good Old Critter too, But now I've finished BobwhiteING and I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, and I can Bobwhite no more! So I'm going to work my ticket if I can! Back to Gilwell, Happy Land, I'm going to work my ticket if I can! BOBWHITES ARE IN THE HOUSE!!! Cary P C-39-06
  19. thanks folks! I got beaded this past weekend at our council camporee. 8 from my class has a ceremony. We had about 75 people at the ceremony. I did make it "mandatory" for my Crew to attend . One kid asked why he had to go, and I told him, "Because I did WB for you!" Be both got a laught out it. Lots of fun to meet old friends again. Back at this weekend as I have help run our council's Outdoor Leader Training. Cary P C-39-06 I used to be a bobwhite
  20. IMHO the formal evaluations are a bad idea...these are kids and not employees. The SM Conference would be the way to go for leadership evaluations. Committee should not have anything to do with the program side of the house, that is the SM''s job.
  21. way cool eagle!!! We get beaded the same day!!!!
  22. Take a look at the Outdoors Bronze and Ranger requirements. This might give you a few ideas plus the Venturers might be able to knock out a requirement or two. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
  23. Get my beads on Saturday with 7 others from my class. Cary P C-39-06 Bobwhites
  24. You will be getting some info soon about what needing to bring along. Things that you will need: 1. Open mind 2. Sense of humor check out woodbadge.org it has some pretty good info. Cary P C-39-06 Bobwhite
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