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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. Woodbadge should not be treated like a religion, it's just a leadership training program. Have fun but don't get caught up into it...we as Scout leaders are here for the youth. Sorry to sound off, but some people out there are not with the program. Cary P c-39-06 I used to be a Bob White
  2. A 13 year old Eagle is the same as 17 year old Eagle. I really don't like it when people try to put a minimum age on Eagle. I got my Eagle when I was 14. Maybe these guys making Eagle just before they turn 18 should look at what the younger ones are doing.
  3. If the AHG want to use the outdoors to deliver their program then that is great. I don't agree with the LDS Church on any of their doctrine yet they are free to use the BSA as their youth program. If you mind it too open then your brains will fall out!
  4. Can somebody expand on what this is, requirements ect?
  5. I think it's going to be the economy that beats Obama...People will vote for Romney because the economy has stall/retreated under Obama.
  6. both....basically Shawnee Trails was in a financial bind, so the Louisville Council is taking over operations in Western Ky.
  7. http://www.lhcbsa.org/Western%20Service%20Area Shawnee Trails will be absorbed into the Lincoln Heritage Council on 1 April
  8. The new uniform vs the old uniform. IPod vs No IPod. Isn't it great that we can voice our opinion in this great Nation. Remember that this coming Monday is Memorial Day. If you haven't taken the time yet, go out and thank a Vet.
  9. Ditch the perculator and try this... Cary's Cowboy Coffee Throw your coffee into coffee pot or pot (I go with three scoops of coffeefor 12 cups) Add water Bring the concotion to near boiling. Take off the heat source Let stand for 5-6 minutes Pour contents into cup slowly Drink up...do not take the last sip or you will have a mouthfull of coffee grounds. I have been doing this for years, and several Scouters love my coffee.
  10. I have some serious heartburn when people put thier own spin on what the age should be for an Eagle Scout. There is no age requirement for an Scout to make Eagle. I earned Eagle at the age of 15 and I could have gotten it at age 13. I was a late bloomer in my Troop. Most of the guys in my troop earned Eagle at early ages, we did not do merit badges in troop meetings and we were a boy lead troop. Age 13 and 14 Eagle Scouts are out there and these young men should be congratulated and not critizied. Cary P Eagle Class of 1981
  11. Sad to say it but our Council does not do anything for Venturing. It is pretty much up to the crews to do VLSC. My crew does VLSC once every two years. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
  12. Yes Prior to WB: 9 Course: 7 Ticket writing: 8 Beading: 6 Comments: Overall the experience was great. The people were great, the course was a review for me, and I really didn't learn anything new, but the review was great. My ticket experience was a good thing for me. My beading ceremony was good. There are a few folks out in the WB world that I feel (and this is my opinion)take WB too seriously and treat it like a religion. Used to be a Bob White. Cary P C-36-06
  13. I got the packet in the mail yesterday. May be a decent family vacation.
  14. Sorry about this Gold, But in my humble opinion, no we don't need a uniform sweater. Hope everyone has a great rest of the day
  15. Sounds like a good program, If I may suggest, if you have WB II getting AOL add them to the program. What I like about your program is it is short, you get to eat and have a few skits for the kids. I have been to a few B&G's that went on literally for hours and the Cubs and their little siblings were getting cranky. Keep up the good work.
  16. Emb, it is like beating a dead horse... At least they finally got some Venturing info in the newsletter.
  17. http://www.okawbsa.com/OkawValleyCouncil/echo.html Check out the Jan edition of the Echo. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
  18. OMG....The great sage BW is back!!!!!! Welcome back Bob, I've missed your words of wisdom the past couple of years!!! Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
  19. Dollar wise WB is worth about 200 bucks. For me, a seasoned scouter and a guy who had been through quite a few leadership/management course, didn't get a lot from the classes. But I did get a lot from the people there, and rekindled old friendships and made new ones. Plus my people network expanded quite a bit. It wasn't the "mountian top" experienice that some people get going to it, but it was well worth the 200 bucks. Go to WB with an open mind, network like crazy, have fun, and you will get a lot out of it. Cary P C-39-06 Bobwhites rule the world
  20. This is one of my biggest pet peeves..."You can't get________ until you complete Eagle". I know parents are doing what they think is best for their kids, but Eagle is something that the kid should want to earn, not mommy or daddy making him earn it. A nudge here and there is ok. One case with my Venturing Crew...Young man couldn't join the crew until he made Eagle...a year later, kid stopped going to troop meetings and working on Eagle all to gether. I meet up with mom, we talk, and boom kid joins the crew, is still in Scouting, and guess what...he is working on his Eagle. Several of the youth in my crew have gotten Eagle Scout (through their affilated troops) gave our youngster a case of peer pressure.
  21. Many moons ago when I was a youth, my SM found an old railroad spike on a campout. He then started giving it to the best patrol in the troop about every other month. The award was known as the "Rusty Spike Award", and was proudly displayed on the winnig patrol's flag. I don't know the criteria he used to award it, but I remember it was fun to hang that old piece of junk on our patrol flag, after beating out the other patrols in my troop.
  22. At least it is a "real world" Scouting picture, and not a posed one. My hat is off to that SM for what he has done.
  23. This has been a really interesting topic...time for me to chime in and give my humble opinion. My background...raised Catholic,went to Catholic grade and high school, my troop as a you was a Catholic troop. When I joined and for several years I considered myself Catholic, attended Mass every now an then. In 98 I started going to a small Catholic Church. Moved and only went to Mass every now and then. When I got back into Scouting in 02 I only attended Mass at Scouting events...I started getting the feeling and need to get back to Church more often. I attended Mass and even a few Scouts Own services more often. Started talking to a guy in my troop who was Catholic about starting the process to get me back into full communion with the Catholic Church as I was divorce. In 2003 I was dating a young lady who attended a United Methodist Church...I started going with just about every Sunday. Started bringing my kids to this Church. The church members gave me a sincere welcome and I felt I belonged to this group. I joined this Church formally in Nov 03. I became Methodist not because of the doctrine, but because of the people at the Church and the way this congergation open their arms to me. Now I work there as a member of the staff (going on 3 years). (so much for a brief background lol) Now back to the point... I have a few freinds that are Mormon and do not look at them as Mormon but as people just like me and you. I do not agree with the teachings of the LDS doctine. Why because they are not the true teachings of Christ. I do not get into debates about relgion, but I will discuss my beliefs with others and will listen to others. Sorry about the rambling
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