When I was in High School, my scout troop was raising money to go to the summer olympics in Montreal, Canada. I remember that I had geography class right after lunch. One of our fundraisers was selling chocolate bars. My teacher, Mr. Guillani was real cool about me selling them and letting the kids eat during his class. The one stipulation was I had to tell everyone who I was selling the candy for and why. I got razzed as soon as I said it was for scouts. But once I told everyone why, their mouths just stood open. I told them of other things we did, hiking at West Point, camping at Assitegue (sp?) every year, horseback riding in Wyoming, winter camping, canoing etc. While it didn't entice a lot of people to join, scouting was no longer uncool. (By the way, this was girl scouting) The one kid who was the loudest about it not being cool, was quickly put in place when everyone found out that his sister (most popular in school) was a scout. At least until I graduated from High School, scouting was looked at in a different light. I went on to be a brownie leader for many years to give back what I had gotten, now I have three sons, a second year Webelos and a Wolf. The youngest can't wait. I don't know about the older guys and the wearing of their uniforms, but right now my guys love to wear it. They get a lot of comments about their arrow points and the pins on their hats and the loops on their belts. I hope it continues.