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Everything posted by PullingMyHairOut

  1. To Bob White... I did read your question and decided to ponder it rather than just answer. I still don't have a solid answer all I have is this... I am not sure I am fit for any position. I am afraid the reason the Pack hasn't worked is because of me. I am full of doubt about my leadership qualities. But, more than that I am filled with turmoil and guilt that this Pack is not going to survive. I have implied several times to my other 2 active committee members that I will be stepping down.(health and financial concerns) If I had to pick 1 job, I don't think I could. I know that wasn't exactly what you asked. I do thank everyone for all the great ideas. I have a den meeting tomorrow night and have asked for a short parent's meeting as well. I will try and apply the new ideas into my meeting. Wish me Luck!
  2. Of Course I would!! Problem is... no one wants to help. I beg for help. I even asked for someone to just be my assistant. I tried to explain that someday my boys will no longer be with the pack ( hopefully moving on to a Troop ) I don't think they understand the serious problem of only 1 person knowing and doing everything. I am simply sick and tired of the free babysitting service I seem to be offering.That along with the administrative part of it is just burning me out. Keep in mind I have 1 fulltime job, 1 part time job, and hubby and I coach all our kids sports teams. Volunteering isn't what bothers me. It is parents who say they can't do anything because they don't have time. HELLO!!! I do everything I said above AND still make time to be a leader. Not yelling, just complaining.
  3. Hello All! I am new to this forum but have read alot of great advice. Hope you can help me now! Problem: August 2003 we went to roundup with our son who was interested in scouting. Come to find out they were forming a Pack, not recruiting to an existing one. My hubby got recruited as CM. I was recruited as DL. No problem yet. Lots of other people were recruited also. Went home and didn't hear anything for 2 weeks. The DE called to speak to hubby, he wasn't home. She told me that all recruited leaders had changed their minds and would I mind being CC if only on paper.( terrible trick)I had no idea what I was doing but agreed to help out. Went to training, bought every book possible and read them all. Nothing told me how to start this pack. Finally, got rolling around October 2003. Since then things haven't been great. We were new, therefore had NO MONEY. Had no idea how to make it either. I was thinking I was clearly not the person for this job. But, I plugged away, determined not to disappoint ANY boy. I attended all round tables, trainings and even stopped by other Pack's meetings for tips. I spent my own money to support our very tiny pack of 6 boys. Got to be very expensive. In addition, my hubby travels for work, so I had to take on the CM role as well.In April we had Kinder Roundup.Recruited soooo many Tigers. All the parents agreed to be registered. I was elated! Since then, its been downhill. We have Committee meetings every month. Only 3 people ever attend. Long story short... The Pack celebrated its 1st birthday this month and I am exhausted. While I no longer have to dig so deep into my pockets, I still feel as if there is just simply not enough involvement. I now have 2 of my own boys in the Pack.My hubby stepped down as CM after prompting from me. We recruited the hubby of a Tiger Leader to be CM. They informed me 2 days ago that I had better start looking for somebody else, because their son will not be returning next year, and they are tired of the parents. I give up! I want to step down from all my positions.( I have many) I am scared though that this already floundering Pack will be dead within months. I feel terrible guilt, but feel that I have done my best. What am I to do??
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