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Scoutmaster works for the Committee Chair?
bearshark replied to bearshark's topic in Open Discussion - Program
It's a really long sorted story... When our SM was a committee member, he and our CC got into it over ideas he was offering. They were good ideas, but the CC wanted them presented in a certain way. Maybe I should mention that our troop is overseas on a military base and the CC is a Msgt. Not that it matters, but then maybe it does, our SM is a Tsgt. Our CC likes to pull rank and has been pretty rough with not just him, but a few parents. Anyway - our previous SM (before the one I'm talking about) didn't really do anything with the program. no PLC's, no thought or planning at all... It was just one camp after another, no rank advancement, etc... Then our new SM comes into the picture. He started the boys on the road for it to be boy led. However - he hardly had any help. There were 2 ASM's but they were out of the country most of the time. Our SM mentioned several times that since our CC was just as trained, why not help out instead of dictate how things should be... Apparently that was a mistake. Seems like whenever our CC opens his mouth it's to tell our SM he's wrong about something in front of everyone. Later, when documentation is on hand or gone through or someone requests clarification from the district - it's the CC who is wrong, but, of course, THAT'S not put out in the open to the rest of the parents... I personally, don't want any part of the committee as long as this guy is running it. Our SM is stepping down, due to other military obligations, but I know he's had enough of our CC telling him how to run things. -
I'm not sure where to post this.. Last night at our troop meeting, the CC pulled the SM, and the ASM's aside for 90% of the meeting and had a "talking down" to them about how he's disappointed in how the program is going. My title (that the SM works for the CC) was the first thing he said. As a parent and a previous committee member, I'm confused. I thought the committee was there to support the Scoutmaster and basically the CC works for the SM..?? What is correct? And how would you go about correcting the CC if he's wrong?
Requirements for taking the boys camping.
bearshark replied to bearshark's topic in Camping & High Adventure
Our CC wants a campout to get those under 1st class their chance at cooking and various other requirements. Our SM is by himself - no ASM's at the moment. Our SM recently had to start working most weekends and could not, at moments notice (he's military) go on a camp out. The SM stated the outdoor leader training would be needed by at least 1 of the adults for the various other activities they were planning on teaching the younger boys. -
Our CC has a problem with a patrol name...
bearshark replied to bearshark's topic in The Patrol Method
haha.. Although I am not the greatest speller... It's supposed to be baret (BARet)because of the green bars. The patrol consists of the SPL, ASPL and troop guide. They are basically, the top three of the troop. They thought playing off of the Green Berets with BARets, would be cool. At least, until the CC said no. We've been having a lot of problems with our CC stepping onto the program side. He is quick to critize when something goes wrong. Basically our scoutmaster is alone. The ASM's he has are TDY or deployed at this time so he's been working with a troop that's still new to the boy led idea. The boys are slow to coming around, but they ARE coming around. It's just this CC won't back off. He won't get in there and lend a hand either - so what are ya gonna do? Thanks for the advice - I'll be sure to pass it along to the SM and tell him to stick to his guns.. -
Our CC has a problem with a patrol name...
bearshark replied to bearshark's topic in The Patrol Method
One more question (I really wish there was an edit option on this forum...). Would the CC have authority over the patrol name? Our scoutmaster didn't see anything wrong with the name and some parents thought it was cute. I suppose, bottom line, is the name legal to use under BSA rules and regs? -
With the whole separation of the military and boy scouts, our CC is concerned about the youth leader patrol name. They picked "the Green Barets". It's a take on words with the scout green bars of leadership positions and the green berets. Does anyone see anything wrong with the patrol name or is our CC getting his underwear in a bunch?
If only everyone could get along... sigh. I'm hoping to get some insight. 2 committee members wanted to take the troop on a campout. The most training they have is the fast start and youth protection. Our scoutmaster stated one of the adults needed to have outdoor leader training. The CC said no. Who is correct and is there publication somewhere that states such?
BuffaloSkipper - it's not that the parent was denied wanting to councel more then one badge. She was denied because she wanted to sign up for the Citizenship badges and apparently the troop has 2 counselors for these already.
Yeah, I didn't think it was her call to turn the parent away... It may be because the parent will be moving away in 6 months - but still, that's 6 months she can help some boys out...
Our advancement coordinator told a parent she could not become a merit badge counselor because we already had 1 for the badge she wanted to sign up for. I'm going to be bringing this up tonight at the committee meeting because I feel she was wrong to turn the parent away. The parent complained to my husband (who is the scout master - I am the treasurer on the committee) and we were in shock that she was made to feel "not needed". I've been scouring the web sites to see if there's a "limit" to the number of merit badge counselors a particular badge can have, but have not come up with anything. Like I said - there might be 2 people at the most for these Eagle badges she wanted to sign up for. There are 3 other troops in the area, so it's not like it's 2 counselors for a small amount of boys... Thoughts?
Transfering scouts and leadership positions..
bearshark replied to bearshark's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I should add that this troop is at a military installation where the boy would only be with the troop an average of 2 years... -
Is there any BSA rule regarding the new transfer scout having to wait before he holds a leadership position in his new troop? There is a troop (won't mention which one) that is telling a newly transferred boy (who is a 1st class scout) that he needs to wait 4 months before he can hold a position. The boy transferred into the troop about a week before elections and was looking for a position so he could obtain his next rank. Holding him for 4 months means 6 months since positions are held for that long and he would miss this election process... Is this right or because he is not new to scouting and is a 1st class, he can run for a position?
Our previous SM left the troop on a realy bad note. His son stayed. A few months go by and he asks me, the current SM, if he can be a MB councelor for a particular badge. I resopded with, due to the bad fall out and without any prior attempt at reconciliation, I would like discuss it with the committee first (he and the Chair had personal attacks toward each other). I didn't want to bring him back in even as just a councelor if everyone still had a problem with him. If I say yes, and they do have a problem, I'll be stuck AGAIN between adults fighting. Being a previously trained leader and fully qualified for the badge he was seaking to teach, it would be a shame not to have him, however, I wanted things to go as soothly as possible. He took this the wrong way and things got out of hand again. Did I tell him wrong? He doesn't need my permission to be a councelor, and their are other troops in the area he could file the application through, but decided to rekindle old drama.
Ok, let me explain a little more. His teacher from the previous year asked him over the summer if he would like to help with new student orientation. Help being things like helping them understand a new schedule, showing them around the school, helping the teachers on the initial orientation day. Basicaly, being a sponsor. I can see where he is providing a service to those of the community. It's not for graduation, I'm talking about a 13 year here, 7th grade orientation, for the boys coming out of elementary school going into middle school. That can be a lot for a young boy to take in when going through this transition. However, I can't really judge just how much service he'll provide.
Yup. Don't allow them at all. I allow them ONLY on trips of longer than 1hr to an activity or campout. Other than that, they can use their imagination, review thier books with each other, etc. Once we arrive at either a gate to a camp, a dirt road turn off that leads directly into a camp, etc, all electronics get turned off, even the vehicle radio. This allows the boys, and myself, some time to get camponized prior to shutting off the engine and getting out. It makes for a smoother transition to a camping mindset.