@Mark - thank you for your thoughts on this specific item.
@everyone who has posted - I do appreciate all of the posts, I just wanted to get to the specific point of my question - Can a Scoutmaster block a scout from advancing.
In this case, the Scoutmaster won't even TALK to the boy about the project. Therefore, he hasn't given the boy a chance to propose anything or discuss anything. He was simply Shut Down.
I worry that this will have an adverse effect on the scouts' attitude toward the Scoutmaster/troop/scouting in general. At the moment, he is very frustrated.
Another thing to consider is the following: the Scoutmaster has since made it known to me that it's not just about this particular boy. He told me that he knows that there are more young boys in our troop who are advancing rapidly who he wants to slow down. He says that he wants to make sure the boys are ready to bring maturity to the rank. He seems to have a desire to "protect" the rank of Eagle from their youth.
Is this right? It would seem so far that this attitude is deemed unreasonable by this group.