We've all had our share of trials and tribulations when dealing with our Scouts. I felt compelled to share what I witnessed last night.
Our troop was invited to conduct a flag retirement ceremony for the Wounded Warriors who visit our area in the Upper Florida Keys. These warriors are American Marines, Royal Marines, Army, Air Force and National Guard. They have visible scars, eye patches and some are in wheelchairs.
Our Scouts had not performed a flag retirement ceremony with the current Scouts. We have a lot of new Scouts and they are learning to work together. So, I had my share of worries when it came to behavivor, respect, honor and just plain 'doing the right thing.' To that end, my son and I talked before he left home just to make sure he understood the importance of this ceremony. Then I said a little prayer that everything would go smooth.
The Scouts built the fire and performed the ceremony. There wasn't a dry eye around me.
I looked into the faces of Wounded Warriors. Fiercely proud American & Royal Marines. We retired over 25 flags tonight as the sun set over the bay. Each Warrior placed a flag in the fire and took minute with his own private thoughts. The young warriors will take the ashes of the flags & spread them in the ocean over the Spiegel Grove wreck to honor their buddies that didnt make it. It was a ceremony full of respect and honor. I watched in pride as our Scouts shook their hands and said thank you. Well done boys, well done.
It was immensely powerful to witness this. My worries were dashed. Our Scouts conducted themselves properly at all times. Sometimes...you just have to have some faith that they'll 'do the right thing.'