Dear Gardyloo,
A scout in our Troop had a similar situation. Our scoutmaster would not give him a scoutmaster Conference for Eagle because of his age. He had been at almost every scouting event for 2 years, held several positions (Bugler, Patrol Leader, Den Chief and Guide). In my capacity as Advancement Chair of our Troop, I started a thread on this site, spoke to more experienced scouters and called Irving Texas. The person to whom I spoke in Irving essentially said: "We worked real hard to set the requirements for Eagle, we would appreciate it if you did not change them". It is the Scout spirit and the ability of the Scout that controls - not age. After discussion with our district advancement chair and others, I suggested that he approach the Scoutmaster again to discuss the Eagle Requirements. Ultimately he had the SM conference and passed his Board of Review in July (his 14th birthday is in September).
Good Luck. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)