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  1. I would confront them, However make sure you have the written material handy to drive your point home. IT may just be a case of not knowing versus "We will do what we want".
  2. Hey Folks, Did a search and didn't find any thing so I thought I would ask if anyone has attended Camp Constantine / Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base in Circle Ten Council, Texas in the last 2 years or so. This will be our first time up there in like 12 years and I was just wanting to know of any experiences good or bad. Thanks
  3. I have and wear the new canvas zip offs and really like them. My son uses The North Face zip offs and a couple of different pairs of Columbia and REI zip off's. I use to use a set of cargo pants from TRU-Spec that I used as daily wear as well and they hold great.
  4. I have tried EBAY and there is none listed. I have checked several time and nothing.
  5. Hello everyone. I am in need of some major help. Let me explain, before christmas I purchased 20 of the 2005 National Jamboree butt packs to give out as gifts to the boys in my pack, well much to my surprise I was short by 3. I was waondering if anyone has or know's where I can get 4 of these in new condition ? I have tried Scoutstuff.org and they no longer offer them. I hope someone Out there can help.............Please
  6. Hello everyone. My name is Bobby and I am from Pasadena,TX. I am a den leader for my son's pack. I am the Bear Leader this coming year, I also hold a few positions differant positions on the committee. I am glad I found this forum as most of the leaders in the Pack are first or second year leaders. Thanks for all the info I have gleened from ya'll so far and all of the info in the future.
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