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Everything posted by prof

  1. prof


    Cyclops, Welcome to the forum! Here in Central Indiana, there is a scouting organization called Firecrafter. It is similiar to the Order of the Arrow. Part of the requirements for the third camp rank is to make Fire by Friction. The you tube video shows a member starting a fire in the traditional way that the boys do it around here. Probably the same way that you have done by the sounds of it. At a Firecrafter meeting once, a scouter put on a demo of using bamboo. Same concept, but no bow is needed. We all thought it was cool. I have yet to try it. Again, welcome to the campfire! Steve
  2. Ann , Welcome to the virtual camp fire! Glad you're here!
  3. Welcome to the forum and welcome back to scouting!
  4. Zachary, Welcome to the virtual camp fire! Glad you're here. I hope that you learn a lot and post as well. Good to get the perspective of a young person in the program.
  5. On the Bayport Facebook page, there is discussion about the council (CVC) going through financial difficulties due to the expense of the camp.Sad. My understanding was that they sold Camp Chickohomony (in Williamsburg-high real estate value) and took the profits to purchase and develop Bayport. Losing Bayport would be quite a loss.
  6. Welcome to the virtual camp fire! Glad that you are here!
  7. Welcome to the virtual camp fire!
  8. Welcome to the virtual camp fire!
  9. 2018 in Indiana! Welcome home!
  10. Looks like you have had some great scout experiences.I look forward to reading your posts! Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  11. Welcome to the virtual campfire. I look forward to reading your posts! You have some interesting perspectives on scouting!
  12. Would BSA put them out of business by taking all of their youth or would they put them out of business by merging with them?
  13. Just out of curiosity, I wonder how others on the board voted. Does anyone know if that data is available? How each member voted? Just curious.
  14. Qwasze and Ssscout have some good advice. And I add my welcome to the forum!
  15. I would add my thanks to the moderators of this site!
  16. I agree that the best course of action is to find another counselor. Luckily, you have blue card partials in hand, so finishing this up should go easily!
  17. My pack uses the DVD. We do a session right before recharter and that helps the recharter go smoothly.I have found that asking people to do it on their own is problematic. Doing it as a group ensures it gets done.
  18. I like having this option. Not sure how it will work, but there is potential to being useful.
  19. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  20. I think this would be the route I would go. Let the SM know about it and deal with it in a SM conference, formal or informal. Like Scoutldr suggests, I would put this in my files and bring it back up when the Star BOR comes around. I might remind the boy of the scout oath and law, then this incident, then ask if there has been any change that he sees in himself.
  21. Never had a need for these either. A discussion of expectations at the beginning of an event, be it boy activity or adult leadership role, has usually been sufficient. The main thing is to have that discussion at the beginning to set the right tone!
  22. Wore them occasionally as a youth. Bling was important back then, so I wore all that I could. Haven't worn them as an adult.
  23. Welcome to the virtual campfire. Sounds like you have a lot of scouting experience. I look forward to reading your opinions and thoughts!
  24. Troop just switched from troop master to etrailtoeagle. I like the change. Pack has just started using storybook. Happy with it as well. Love the communication features.
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