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Everything posted by prof

  1. Welcome to the virtual camp fire!
  2. I think this would be my approach as well!
  3. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  4. Watching this thread. I agree. I hope BSA does something to commemorate and reintroduce the program!
  5. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  6. Exactly. The sash is not a girl scout sash, but rather a sash for the LDS girls youth organization of that time. Girls would get badges based on learning skills, scripture mastery, service, etc. They no longer use the sash.
  7. Welcome to the virtual camp fire!
  8. Nice cards!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!
  9. I second this motion! I think we have wandered a bit from the title of the thread!
  10. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  11. New Assistant Chief Scout Executive and new Division Directors? I am glad they are hiring people to oversee the changes, But I hate to see new levels of administration added, when resources could be spent closer to the boys!
  12. Welcome to the virtual campfire!!!
  13. I hope that they bring back the Kit Carson Kit. It had a leather sheath in which on put a fixed blade knife AND a small hatchet. I thought those were the coolest thing in the scout catalog when I was a kid!
  14. Welcome to the virtual camp fire!
  15. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  16. All, Thanks so much for your replies! My troop is in a bit of a rebuilding period. I kinda figured how to proceed, but as a courtesy to the other committee members, thought I would ask your opinions in case I was missing something (which I often do!) So again, my thanks! Fred, Thanks for those links!! Very useful! Prof!
  17. A fellow committee member has suggested a plan to monitor how boys are doing with their positions of responsibilities. He has suggested a monthly formal meeting between the boy and the mentor. A scorecard would be used. My guess is that it would take about 20 minutes per boy to complete. Each mentor (SM or ASM) works with 3 boys, so this is about an hour per month, plus time needed to prepare, plus time reviewing the scorecards with the committee. Another approach is much less formal. The mentor works with the boy, encourages him, coaches him along the way. If at the end of his term, the boy has done okay, then the mentor signs off in his book. The mentor lets the boy and the committee know if there are major problems that may require the boy to be replaced if not corrected. In general, feedback between the mentor and boy is ongoing, but not formal unless that is what is needed. I would be interested in what you do in your troops. How formal is the interaction between mentor and boy? Does anyone use scorecards for this?
  18. I can see this point of view as well. It reminded me of a thread, about 10 years ago, entitled "Manscouts and WB"
  19. Absolutely! In my area, we usually have a fall camporee, a spring camporee, and a winter camporee. If the boys choose to attend those, then that is the camp out of the month!
  20. I kinda get where Backpack is coming from. BSA is a corporation, with adults in charge of the corporation. However, the boys are the customers and the program is the product. Making changes to the product without at least considering what the customer wants or needs is a recipe for problems (New Coke, for example). Some scouters were surveyed about these changes. Were any surveys conducted of the rank and file youth?
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