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Everything posted by prof

  1. The above link didn't work for some, so try this one to access the letter. (Thanks for catching, Walk) https://michiganscouting.org/a-message-from-the-council-leadership-october-20-2/
  2. Here is a link to the letter sent out last night. https://michiganscouting.org/a-message-from-the-council-leaderhip-october-20/?fbclid=IwAR1xwORx8FJwvS6yqxoGzY6gwEYXa5RFzavpGigny8u7MlhwcvDpqkKXU2I
  3. It appears from a letter posted on Facebook that MCC is discontinuing use of two other camps, Munhacke and Roto-Kiwan. Presumably for sale. Sad.
  4. Seems like the National Organization for Women is giving a board of review to someone who doesn't want to wait the prescribed amount of time, which is a requirement (which NOW and the scout, I guess, didn't understand or think should apply). Scouts BSA is saying wait until October 2020. I hope that they hold the line on this one.
  5. This was in my news fed this morning https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/10/15/girls-boy-scouts-eagle-scout/
  6. Several here have mentioned Trail Life. Maybe Baden Powell Service Association. I haven't done any homework on the subject yet. Might need to do so soon. Can anyone with experience with those groups (or others) chime in?
  7. When I was on staff at Camp Ransburg (CAC, 1980), a staff member said grace before each meal and another lead a song after each meal. This was at the front of the dining hall for the entire camp!
  8. 2006 for me. I don't post as much as others. I do enjoy reading what others have to say. I've learned a lot!
  9. I camped there several times! Nice place. Will be missed. An important item from the article is that Red Wing is one of three camps that the council will divest from. Camps Bear Creek and Wildwood are also to be divested. Sad Day for the CAC
  10. WOW. I was just watching Fox news and saw a commercial from lawyers trolling for Boy Scout abuse victims. Brings it up to a new level.
  11. prof


    Welcome to the campfire!
  12. prof


    Welcome to the campfire!
  13. Welcome to the campfire!
  14. This certainly was the case for me growing up. My troop wasn't very motivated to do a lot. In terms of camping and outdoor activities, I camped a lot more as a member of OA and Firecrafter (local honor camping group similar to OA) than I did with my troop with all of the ordeals, and fellowships and staffing camporees.
  15. Same with my old lodge. From the earliest ordeal (Late April) to the last (Mid September) is only 5 and a half months. Even if those dates were juggled a bit to get to 6 months, it wouldn't address the arrowmen who went through the ordeals in May and June. Around here, it looks like everyone will need to take a winter season to meet the requirements. Which is as it has been before the change.
  16. I was just on Facebook and saw an ad from a law firm advertising to attract BSA abuse victims. The lawyers are out there trolling.
  17. I was looking on google to see if there were any updates. As I looked through the first couple of pages for news stories, I noticed several law firm advertising to attract abuse victims. I am not sure how many clients they will find, but they sure are looking!
  18. That would be Camp Belzer. It has brought out the best of several generations. Rest in peace, fellow Eagle.
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