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Everything posted by prof

  1. Not sure if this is the best forum to post this , so moderators feel free to move. Attached is a link to an article in the Kansas City newspaper. Very negative about the cultural appropriation. Probably the same thoughts are there about OA. https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article244845322.html#storylink=sectionheadlines
  2. There is an hour long infomercial playing in my area about this. Lawyers are really trolling for clients.
  3. Both Hoosier trails council and Crossroads of America council are closed this summer.
  4. I like the full salute! I think that would be a cool greeting!
  5. This is a great idea. I have seen some councils promoting this on Facebook. I hope that it works out!
  6. But another question needs to be asked: Are local councils liable for abuse cases that take place in the council? If so, they and their assets might be at risk regardless of nationals bankruptcy.
  7. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  8. Thanks for posting this! I anticipate that we won't have a regalia option in the future. Only the uniform and the black shirt/pants options. I would like to see what the ceremonialist medallion looks like.
  9. I would first call the registrar for the council in which the merit badge was earned. They should be able to tell you if the counselor for the badges in question is actually a registered counselor.
  10. I have been told that some committees apply additional rules on their troop. One such rule was that a scout in that troop could not earn more that 5 badges with one counselor. I don't know if that was appropriate for the committee to do. If it was, I could see a committee enacting rules about scoutmasters for their troop being MBC. I'm not saying that they should, but I could see it happening. I
  11. I've been seeing similar advertising on FOX News Channel for the last several months.
  12. Agreed. I believe that years ago, there was a consensus of what morally straight meant. Many COs sponsored troops because of shared values that included that. Society has changed, so the consensus is no longer there. BSA went in one direction, some COs went in another with Trail Life, LDS is going in yet another. To me, this is just a case of people with common viewpoints now diverging. No blood, No foul. Let's just shake hands and walk away.
  13. Sadly I am reminded of events in the Colonial Virginia Council. They sold Camp Chickahominy and mortgaged their scout office to pay for Bayport Scout Reserve, which was supposed to be a Premier Scout facility. They couldn't make payments on Bayport, so it was foreclosed and they had to move out of their scout office.
  14. Not with Eagle Scouts, but with one group that I work with, the graduates all start a linked in account. That works better to communicate with them and get updates from them than email.
  15. Hopefully, his behavior will change and he will have learned despite his parents. I'm certain that the rest of the scouts in your troop appreciate what you did.
  16. As a committee chair for both a pack and a troop, this was something I took care of each year.
  17. Agreed. I think the fee increase will have an effect on those currently in scouts. We will, no doubt, lose some. I think it will have a much larger effect on recruiting new scouts into the program. A lot of the people in the program are already "sold" on scouts. Retaining them might be a challenge. Recruiting new people, who aren't yet "sold" on the program might be much more difficult.
  18. I saw this yesterday on facebook. Not sure what effects it may have. Mods: If this isn't the best place for this, please move as you see fit. www.baltimorebsa.org › document › national-leadership-update-11419
  19. Here in Indiana, I would tend to agree with Latin Scot about the numbers. One out of ten would be very optimistic. I don't see the youth in my area expressing any interest in continuing. Perhaps things are different in Utah and elsewhere.
  20. Given the strained relationship between Scouts BSA and the Girl Scouts, I wonder if this will continue to be a joint project.
  21. When I went to the OPs link, I noticed that it said "comments are turned off." I wonder how much blow back the councils are getting. I also wonder if the fees would have been higher had it not been for the vocal response to the original announcement about a fee increase.
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