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Everything posted by prof

  1. I also attended Ransburg for summer camp 77-79. Staffed there for the summer of 1980! Nice place. Prof
  2. Padilan, Welcome to the virtual campfire. I look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions! Prof.
  3. John, An interesting article. Thanks for posting it. This has been the first primary that I have been interested in. In Indiana, the primaries are normally so late in the season that the decision has already been made. Some people around here are excited that the candidates may actually campaign here! I did see that one of the super delegates who had pledged to Hillary has backed away and is now for Obama (saying that his district voted Obama, so he should as well). Regardless of how it turns out, it will be interesting to watch! Steve
  4. I teach general and organic chemistry at a community college!
  5. These types of tragedies, which seem to be occuring more often, sadden all of us. My prayers also go out to the families of those affected as well as the entire NIU family. Steve
  6. SM, Welcome to the virtual campfire! It sounds like you have had some good experiences with your son's troop. I look forward to reading your opinions on the forum! Steve
  7. Knight, Things like that do make it all worthwhile! Congratulations on a great activity! Steve
  8. John, Thanks for the info. Uncle Jay is a pretty interesting site! The democratic convention could be very interesting given how close the count is on pledged delegates. It will be fun to watch! Steve
  9. Mum, I'd be curious to know about the 3 month challenge. Were there specific things that your son was asked to do (or not do)? How was this communicated?(in writing?)How was passing/failing the challenge determined? Steve
  10. My lodge also requires a medical form for everyone in attendance.
  11. Knight, Welcome to the virtual fire! Steve
  12. Keneunice, Welcome to the virtual campfire and thanks for your service with youth. You will find this to be a great place to get questions answered by some very knowledgeable scouters! Steve
  13. Steve, This looks like a neat idea! I will definitely participate and ask others to as well! Steve
  14. April, Welcome to the virtual fire! Steve
  15. Matty, Welcome to the virtual fire. It sounds like you have had some great scouting experiences! I look forward to reading your views! Steve
  16. Welcome to the virtual campfire! I look forward to hearing about your views and your scouting experiences! Steve
  17. How about this one Q: How are honest lawyers like UFO's? A: You often hear about them but you never actually see one.
  18. Calico, I humbly apologize to any and all species of pond scum which I may have offended. I also apologize to the buckets as well! Steve
  19. We are all saddened to hear of this loss. Our thought and prayers go out to the family. Steve
  20. Along the line of Beavah's original posting in this thread Q What is the difference between a lawyer and a bucket of pond scum? A The bucket!
  21. Q: How can you tell if a lawyer is lying? A: His lips are moving!
  22. OGE, I think you did the right thing! Steve
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