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Everything posted by prof

  1. Kathy, Welcome to the forum. Prof
  2. prof

    Who Am I?

    Liz, Welcome to the virtual campire! (and congrats on the degree!!!!!!!!!) Prof.
  3. Back when I was on staff,(1980), I taught the merit badges for the scoutcraft area at camp. I was 16. I tested the scouts. When I was satisfied thet they knew their stuff, I initialed the bottom of the card. They took it to the program director, who was over 18, for his signature. As far as I know, he simply looked for my initials and signed. no retesting or review. Prof.
  4. Xtreme, Welcome to the campfire! Prof
  5. Bugleboy, Welcome to the forum! Prof.
  6. 2X4 Welcome to the virtual campfire. Prof
  7. Docrwm, First, welcome to the virtual campfire. It is a great place for ideas, suggestions... Second, I hope that the rains from Fay are reducing the drought in that neck of the woods! Prof.
  8. ScoutMom, Welcome to the virtual campfire! Steve
  9. Bulldog, Welcome back to scouting and welcome to the virtual campfire! Prof
  10. 1548, Welcome to the virtual campfire! I spent several years in the tidewater area. VA is a neat state! Prof
  11. Cubmaster C, Welcome to the virtual campfire! Prof
  12. Camp Bradford (crossroads of America council) was leased from Indiana University and used as a weekend/training camp for decades. My understanding is that the lease was discontinued around 2000 or 2001. Too bad. It was a great facility!One of CAC's best in terms of natural beauty!
  13. Pack, Welcome to the fire! Looks like you have had some good scouting experience! I look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions! Prof
  14. robvio, Take a look at http://www.takachsin.org/ It will have a where to go camping guide which lists Camps in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. You and your PLC might wish to use this as a starting point and narrow down/do more research on the camps that jump out at you. Also, check out http://www.bsa-gwrc.org/oa/ That lodge, in Ohio, has a good where to go camping book as well! Good luck with the decision! Prof.
  15. Robvio, Ditto what John in KC said. You might check to see if the local lodge of OA has a Where To Go Camping book or website. As a youth, our lodge listed all of the camps in adjacent states. In my neck of the woods,south central Indiana, we have Camp Ransburg operated by the Crossroads of America Council. Also, you might want to check out Camp Maumee operated by the Hoosier Trails council. Might be worth a look. Prof.
  16. Brandon, Welcome to the virtual campfire! And congrats on the recent Vigil! Prof.
  17. Boris, Welcome to the forum! Good to have another Midwesterner aboard! Prof.
  18. Diogenes, Welcome to the virtual campfire! Prof
  19. GW, Keeping with the tangent. Different campuses have different words to describe the recycling of academic work (without permission from all professors involved). On my campus, it is classified as cheating and spelled out as such in the student handbook. At our local 4-year partner, the same act is called "a violation of academic integrity" Lisa's may refer to it as plagiarism. Regardless of what it is called, academics are very unforgiving when it happens. As a result, at least on my campus, we go to great lengths to ensure that everyone knows what is expected so that if something like this were to happen, no one could plead ignorance. Students are dismissed for such infractions Prof.
  20. Takola, Welcome to the virtual campfire! Sounds like you have a great deal of experience in scouting! I look forward to reading your ideas and opinions! Prof
  21. Gcan, Welcome to the virtual campfire! This is a great place to ask questions! I look forward to reading your your opinions as well! Prof
  22. Jon, Welcome to the virtual campfire! I can't wait for the summer either! Prof.
  23. Dan, Congrats to you and your son! Prof.
  24. Aquaticeagle, Welcome to the virtual campfire! Your opinions and expertise will be valued! Prof
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