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Everything posted by prof

  1. Welcome back to scouting. I hope that you find a troop that meets your son's interests!
  2. Welcome to the virtual campfire!
  3. Daped01, On a side note, congrats on your 100th post! Prof
  4. I've read some of the older threads about troop management programs. My troopmaster subscription runs out shortly. I'm looking to change to a cloud based system-something that can be updated by the scoutmaster and assistants. I've been looking at etrailtoeagle. It looks like it has what I want at a good price. I've emailed their support several times over the past 3 weeks to get my troopmaster files switched over, but with no response. Any of you had any experience with that group? Or any suggestion about a good product to use?
  5. Sometimes, districts or councils will put together a provisional troop made up of boys who want to go to camp but can't go with their regular troop. It might be another option for your son, to see if he can go to a regular scout camp with a provisional troop.
  6. I have missed his insight ito things Scouting! And I have missed his accent!!!!!!!!!!
  7. That is sad news. I appreciated reading his opinions and views. My prayers are with his family.
  8. Scouter Scot, Welcome to the crackerbarrel! Prof
  9. SSS, Good point! I hadn't thought about that! Prof
  10. Terry, Thanks for this site and your hard work to keep it working for us! Prof
  11. Hello from a fellow Hoosier (Grew up in Crossroads council, now serve a troop in Hoosier trails council) Welcome to the virtual campfire! Prof
  12. It was brought up at roundtable last week. No real details.
  13. All, Thanks for the opinions and approaches! Click, Thanks for the link! I will definitely read it! Prof
  14. I am moving over to advancement chair and have encountered a situation I haven't thought about. If I understand correctly, patches should be awarded as soon as the requirements are met- immediately after the BOR. Yet in my council and the neighboring council, you can't purchase patches until after the board hs met and filled out the advancement report. For those of you who do immediate recognition, how do you get the patches before the board meets to be ready to award them at its completion? Prof
  15. Basementdweller wrote:"sounds like council is looking for their piece of the Pie" I think he might have it right. I've seen a lot of posts where every event must show a profit. Perhaps the insurance fee is councils profit.
  16. I'm kinda with Basement on this. I'd forget about the politics and such going on at the district and focus on what was best for the unit. I live on the border between councils. Some troops attend camporees with other districts. I know of at least one that has attended with the other council. The other council has opened up training for us as well. I'd look at it like a smorgasboard. Attend what you would like to attend. Perhaps if the SE notices all of a district's units attending functions elsewhere, he might wonder why. Prof
  17. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=164043769 Here is a link to what I heard about on NPR
  18. I heard about it as well. It was on local NPR affiliate, though I'm not sure if it was the local or national broadcast!
  19. An English prof friend mentioned that the Dr. Seuss book "the Lorax" had been banned in some places. I enjoyed the book!
  20. An English prof friend mentioned that the Dr. Seuss book "the Lorax" had been banned in some places. I enjoyed the book!
  21. I've noticed the same thing. Lots of news outlets quoting the Times, but no one else actually looking at their data. In one of the earlier threads, someone had suggested that all the records might be released to the public in Oct/Nov. Perhaps that will fill in a lot of the questions that we all have.
  22. "By my count, they are closing 8 out of 12 Boy Scout camps, and 8 out of 13 Cub Scout camps, on top of three camps that were shuttered this past summer. They aren't doin' this gradually, they're actually dumping hundreds of troops that had reservations for next summer at camps that are shuttin' down." OUCH!!!! Any sense as to whether the remaining camps can accomodate these scouts? Will there be a mass exodus to neighboring states for camp this summer?
  23. I've seen something similiar to what is being proposed. Colonial Virginia Council had a camp in Williamsburg. They wanted to sell it and use the proceeds to make a new camp in a more rural setting. No doubt that the land was worth a lot of $$$ But with the proceeds, the bought and built Bayport SR, which seems to be topnotch. I saw this from a distance. Any scouters from CVC care to pipe in on their impressions of the deal? Steve
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