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BearItAll's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. How long? - Five days, 8:30 to 3:30 How much? - $55 with $25 discount for children of full-week volunteers. $75.00 late fee. Tag-A-Long Program is free for all adult volunteers. We ran a Cub camp and a Webelos camp: Cubs had six stations: archery, crafts, games/music, field sports, first aid, and Cub outdoors. Webelos had the same minus the first aid. Lunch provided? - NO... except on Friday we provided the lunch.
  2. Absolutely!! We'd love to mail some patches to your son! My son and husband just got home from Jambo. I visited them on Sunday 7/31 and had a great time. While there, I watched my son trade patches ... actually, it was my suggestion since I could get a break from walking!! So he set up his patches and said to me within 3 minutes `Two of my patches just got stolen...!!' So there I sat and I WATCHED as boys gathered around and the trading continued.... Five more minutes and he tells me that the Elvis `ghost patch' that his Scoutmaster had just given to him had also been taken.... WOW. Needless to say, he folded up his inventory and we moved on. Just sad, though. Trustworthy? Yes...99.9% are trustworthy. But your son's and my son's experiences tend to take the wind out of your sails ... temporarily at least. Anyway, PM your address and the patches will be on the way! BearItAll from Cleveland OH
  3. I have a parent in my pack who thinks her dad was an Eagle Scout. He died when she was very young, so she's unsure. How can she find out if, indeed, her dad was an Eagle? Thanks for any help!
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