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Everything posted by PP85

  1. Thanks for the response. I don't know what the reason he wanted the books for, if it was for tax purposes wouldn't he tell her it was for that? He wouldn't really answer her as to why he wanted them. I don't know what is going on but she feels like he is checking up on her and I just feel like he wants total control of things and needs to understand we all have parts and we all should work together, but if he keeps insisting on total control he can have it and we will go to another pack.
  2. I am new to scouting and recently took over role of pack secretary. Actually all of us committee members are new to the roles (treasurer, secretary and chairperson) Our pack used to have just one person taking care of all of these roles until she had to move unexpectedly due to job transfer out of state. We all took over the roles without much direction on what we are supposed to do. My concern is that the person that took over as committee chairperson seems to want to phase myself and the treasurer out and do everything himself and I thought I read somewhere that not one person was supposed to have that many roles. He was annoyed that I became the secretary and continued to do the minutes, when I told him that I believed I was supposed to do them he seemed a little put out. I mistakenly thought I was supposed to do the agenda too, but already know that he is supposed to do it which is fine by me, one last thing I have to do. I just recently found out that he called the treasurer up and informed her that he was going to be coming by to pick up all of her "books" and take them home with him to go through (didn't ask just informed). She gives a full financial report at every leaders meeting and always willingly tells us what is going on with the finances. I don't understand why he wants to get the books and go through them or what he is looking for. Its almost as though he does not trust her. He insisted on depositing popcorn money and rechartering money himself instead of giving it to the treasurer to deposit. Its almost as though he thinks he has this sole role of running the pack instead of a collection of us working together. Or am I wrong? Are we supposed to run the pack together as a collective or does he have main ruling? Could someone please give me a breakdown since we are all very new to this and help me out here. It is starting to become such a big drama that my husband and I (my husband is the assistant Weblos leader and the treasurers husband in the cubmaster) feel like checking out other packs. All we wanted was to get involved with something are kids are interested in and have fun but it feels like a big soap opera all the time. Thanks!
  3. Hi I am new to this forum and also new to my position of Pack Committee Secretary. Our pack is currently trying to get back in order, our committee chairperson moved away quite suddenly and new people had to take over positions with not much notice or explanation of what their duties are. We also have some touchy people (control freaks and people that are worried that others do not trust them in their position) Well my question is, as pack secretary am I to type up the agenda along with the minutes. With our school's PTA board the secretary's job was to type up the agenda and do the minutes. But our committee chairperson (he is new to the position, just as I am to mine) thinks it is his job. Also I just recently found out that I am supposed to keep the Pack record book and when I asked the treasurer if she could sit with me sometime so we can get the financial info in the book she got a little upset as though she thought I was checking up on her or undermining her. I am just worried that I am supposed to keep a good accurate record in this book in case the council ever wants to see it, and as far as I can tell our pack has never kept a record in this book. Can anyone help me out and explain what all of our duties really are and how we can do them without stepping on anyone's toes. It is starting to get a bit childish and I am getting a bit tired of all of this drama. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
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