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    St. Louis

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  1. I'm a new wolf den leader and about half of the Tigers from the previous year didn't return. Most gave a reason like sports, not enough campouts and for the most part, just bored. Scouts isn't for everyone. I think most parents tell their boys to choose between scouts or sports. I'm a single father of 2 and and sometimes i dont have time to juggle everything so i could see why. Parents shouldn't force their boys to stay in scouts if they don't want to be apart of it. Just because National says you should do something like this or that, doesnt mean you have to. Its your program, run it like you want(to an extent).
  2. Yeah, I'm referring to the Haversacks. I see the vintage ones on ebay, just didn't know if they still made them. You're right, today's overpriced packs have too many bells and whistles. Every kid on the block used these Haversacks as school bags, including kids that weren't even in scouts. That one bag lasted all through elementary and high school. By the way, these were still being made in the early 80's.
  3. This is more for the older scouts. What ever happened to the old canvas Boy Scout tan book bags we had back in the 70's and 80's? They were great and lasted forever. Do they still make these?
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