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Everything posted by phips

  1. I just came back from urSPRUNG 2010-Austrian Jubilee Jamboree in Laxenburg (near Vienna) just a few days ago. We had 6.600 Scouts (boys and girls) from 28 countries and 4 continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, North- and South America). It was great. Scouting was in the media again (TV, Radio, Newspapers), high ranking business men, high ranking representatives of the Catholic Church, of the Jewish and Muslim Communities, diplomats, politicians including Dr.Heinz Fischer,President of Austria visited our camp. On visitors Sunday 20.000 people visited the camp site. There is an interest in our movement in Austria and also in Germany. Kids want adventures and parents look for activities for their children to get them away from TV, Playstation. Our Scout Group has 80 members and many activities. We have kids whose parents, where Scouts in the Czech Republic, in Australia and in the United Kingdom. - And also children of our own Old Scouts, of course. In our Council we need more Scout groups, because the kids and parents want join. Through the years I got in contact with some Underground Scouts from WWII in Austria, and Old Scouts from Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Eastern Germany. The National Socialists and Communists banned Scouting, but still Scouting continued in small circles underground. In May 1945 Scouting was back in public in Austria and in 1951 we hosted the 7 th World Scout Jamboree in Bad Ischl. In the Czech Republic Scouting started in 1911. It was banned by the Germans during WWII, restarted in 1945, banned in 1948 by the Communists, restarted during Prague Spring in 1968, banned again in 1970 and restarted in 1989. Today Scouting is an important part of the Czech Society and one of the biggest youth groups in the country. Scouting will survive. I am sure. But it depends on us to carry on the flame.
  2. Welcome and Scout Greetings from the heart of the Alps.
  3. Welcome back in Scouting and Welcome to the Forum. Scout Greetings from Austria
  4. Welcome and Greetings from an Austrian brother Scout. Working with Cubs is great. I served as an ACM for several years.
  5. Welcome, and its great that you are back in Scouts again. Scout Greetings from Austria
  6. Welcome, and its great that you are back in Scouts again. Scout Greetings from Austria
  7. Welcome and Scout greetings from Austria. Enjoy to see your son grow. Its great that you support the movement as a MBC and if you like you can get more invoved.
  8. Hi Jenny, greetings from Austria and enjoy the adventure. I am a Scout since 1992. In 2003 I became a Cub Scout Leader and served until 2006 in this position. Since 2006 I am a Boy Scouts Leader. I am also our Councils International Representative. There is always something new and exiciting in Scouting (i.e. International camps, trips aboard, World Scout Jamborees, new friends...)
  9. Welcome to the virtual campfire and Scout Greetings from Austria. Yours in Scouting phips
  10. Welcome and Scout Greetings from Austria. Enjoy the spirit-Once a Scout always a Scout.
  11. Frederick Russell Burnham is a fascinating man with an impressive biography. Thanks for sharing. Reminded me about what Ive read several times ago. There is a drawing from B.P. of Frederick Russell Burnham, which is included in editions of Scouting for Boys. He should have his place in the history of the Scouting movement.
  12. In our association in Austria the interpreter strips are no longer available. I would need Czech for one of our boys. And English, French and Italian for adults volunteers and Scout leaders. And Latin of course, would also be nice. I learned it 5 years in school. Eagle92: De bello Gallico was one of the first original texts vom the Roman times we read at school. We are thinking to produce them on our own.
  13. I wear the campaign hat or my navy blue Scout beret. Most of our Scouts and Leaders wear the campaign hat, but our Rovers and Leaders also can choose to wear the beret.
  14. Hello PackChair, I am in Scouting since 1992. Started as Cub Scout, became Boy and Explorer Scout and a Rover. I am a Scoutleader since 2003.
  15. Great site. Our Scout group: http://www.pfadfinder-wattens.at Our campsite: http://www.tpz-igls.at
  16. phips


    New WOSM puplication from March 2010: published by the World Scout Bureau Education, Research and Development: Guidelines on Spiritual and Religious Development You can download as a pdf file or read online. http://www.scout.org/en/information_events/library/spiritual_development/guidelines_on_spiritual_and_religious_development There are WOSM NSOs, who dont refer to God or a higher power in their law and promise. Such as Junk in the Czech Republic: I promise on my honour that I will do my best: To serve the Highest Truth and Love, faithfully at all times To fulfill all my own duties and to observe Scout laws To be prepared to help my nation and those close to me with all my soul and body Optionally a Scout may add: May God help me so. Religion in the Czech Republic is a special topic. Take a look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_Czech_Republic#Religion But as there are Catholic Scout units in this open association Junk is a Full member of the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS). http://www.iccs-em.org/de/member-organisations/junak-association-scouts-and-guides (This message has been edited by phips)
  17. Take a look at: Wiliam D.Boyce New unit Organizer award include The steps to organize a new unit and further materials. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/04-515.pdf Good luck for your plan we need more traditional Scout units in the spirit of our founder.
  18. Welcome and Scout greetings from Austria 30 years of Service that is a long time.-Respect. Have you been a Scout as a youth member, too?
  19. Welcome and Scout greetings from Austria
  20. Dear brothers and sisters in Scouting and Guiding, last weekend I was elected as Council International Representative. My Council is Tyrol of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scout of Austria (WOSM, WAGGGS member). I am very interested in contacts with other International Representatives and Comissioners. I am also interested in events of the BSA esp. TAC where our Scout troops and crews can get involved. Yours in Scouting and brotherhood
  21. I got today a postcard from our postcard campaign. Its from a German Catholic Girl Scout. Scout and Guides from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg took part in this Thinking Day project. It was organized by the Ring deutscher Pfadfinderverbnde, Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbnde, Ltzebuerger Guiden a Scouten,Pfadibewegung Schweiz, Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins and Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen sterreichs.
  22. Well spoken OldGreyEagle. Happy Birthday.
  23. Welcome and enjoy Scouting. Enjoy the adventures with the cubs in the jungle with Baloo,Akela and the wolves. Chil former Assistant Cubmaster Trained Cubmaster
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