I love old Scout literature.
I have a big collection at home and in our local Scout Archive (there we have American,Austrian, French, German Swiss and Yugoslavian Scouting Literature)
I espaicially like the Scout Fileld book and the Handbook for Patrol Leaders from the BSA from 1944 and the 1930ties.
Scout Field Book, 1944
Boy Scout Handbook from the 40ties
Handbook for Patrol Leaders and Scoutmaster's Handbook from the 30ties
Handbook for Canada 1930
Tenderfoot to Queens Scout - The Canadian Boy Scouts Handbook of Tests, 1955
E.E.Reynolds: Working with the Patrol System
Scouting for Boys
Aids to Scoutmastership
Rovering to Success
The Wolfs Cub Handbook
German, Swiss and Austrian books from the 40,50,60, 70 and 80ties.