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Everything posted by pgking

  1. thanks for the suggestion. I have used all the cub and boy scout leaders emails posted on this scouter website (appoximately 30-40) for the Mississippi and Lousiana dens listed, and they have bounced back. So I thought I try this method. If I don't get a pack or den through this forum in the next day or so, my next step was going to be to write a snail mail to all councils in lousiana, texas, and mississippi. Thank you for the suggestion. We were just trying to keep it simple pack to pack or den to den, possibly set up penpals after it's all over, could lead to a great cross country friendship.
  2. Hello, I am a teacher and mom of two cub scouts here in Elk Grove, CA with a school population of 1200. We are making shoebox sized kits for kids affected by the hurricane in the boxes are school supplies, tolietry items, a small toy and/ or comfort item, and an optional personal letter. I'm not sure how many kits we will get and our drive ends September 23. We are looking for another pack(s) of cub or boy scouts that are near to victims (like one of the temporary housing facilities) that can receive our shipment or truckload, and be in charge of distributing them to kids there. If you can help our pack 300 please email me back directly asap at pattyking@frontiernet.net. I will also check back for any comments via the thread. Thank you patty king
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