Hi Again, Bob,
Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with your assumptions and conclusions.
Courtesy works two ways, always. You could assume what you said, but thanks to a seemingly limitless supply of 2005 jambo operational SNAFUs, some things couldnt be predicted, including a prolonged period of unattended laundry. (BTW - At 5PM on 03 Aug, unattended laundry still remained at Mahone.) These circumstances were well-known and equally shared among most attendees and staff there, but are those circumstances a justfiable excuse for being discourteous on their side of the equation? Other Scouters on forums elsewhere have recounted their own tales of bitter turf battles over some very limited yet atonsishingly un-managed (un-supervised) resources at jambo, including the permanent Mahone lav/shower/laundry "Taj" facilities. These Scouter jambo staffers also noted their intent to provide national formal feedback to help them solve those problems for the next-time.
I'm really surprised - You seem to be yet another Scouter forum pundit who provides rationale and training in the "finders-keepers-losers-weepers" school of ethics and on placing time limits on the exercise of Scoutings Timeless Values (Oath, Law, etc.). I have hand-written notes of apologies from two "caught-red-handed" individuals (the thief and his fence) who attend a local Scout summer camp a few years back who provided the same excuse, "There was no one there watching it ... so I figured it was OK to take it." Their Scout leaders even supported their rationale to a considerable extent! Whoa! Personally, I dont subscribe to those schools of thought....
Thats all I have to say....