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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Whatever your unit agrees on. My former unit didn't make them for a few years. We had a volunteer who did it last year. This isn't an official function. The only thing official is the patch.
  2. Brent Allen posted: "The mortgage interest deduction costs around $100 billion a year. Our deficits are running over $1 trillion. Eliminating the deduction won't " fix the problem....." The unintended consequences would probably cost more than you would gain. " And the same thing is said about almost every program. The problem is that each $100 billion adds up...... I'm sort of irritated that the government is avoiding the Simpson-Bowles plan. While not perfect, it was much better than anything I've seen seriously considered to date.
  3. 31 days of camping as an accomplishment? If you count summer camps, my oldest has done 28 days of camping in l yr, 5 months of being a scout. My youngest (in 5 months of being a scout) has done 10 days of camping.
  4. One common mistake Beavah made. The assumption that raising taxes=increased revenue. Human nature shows us that this doesn't always work and that often the opposite is true. Why do we heavily tax cigarettes? It's not to raise revenue, rather it's to stop people from smoking (and studies show that it's successful). High taxation causes people to try to figure out ways to avoid it. It's human nature. That said, I do think tax reform is needed. We need to look at the historical GDP taxation percentage (IIRC about 18% of GDP in the 20th century) and keep our spending to that level. I do wish that the Obama administration had actually suggested some of the Simpson-Bowles reforms--primarily flattening the tax rates and reducing most of the deductions.
  5. Being a leader's son (from my observation as a leader and from talking to my sons) is both good and bad. The good--they go on more outings, and get to horse around with the other leader's sons in a non-structured way. Many times the highlight of my boys' meetings were the horsing around after they put up tables. The bad--the extra work, and the time your dad is spending helping others. That said, my oldest is the first of his cohort (his Webelos Den, now scout patrol) to get to 2nd class, and he's almost at first class. Why? He shows up and participates at most activities. I have few doubts that my youngest will be about the same way.
  6. We are about at Schiff's level--$4 or $5 k.
  7. The Facebook public only guidelines are absurd and lead to less youth protection from the outside world. I was thinking about a private facebook page only open to parents and scouts, as I know many of our parents and scouts use it, but have abandoned the idea as I feel a public page is dangerous. I do admit that the whole part about having two admins, etc., made great sense.
  8. Don't forget the flat screen TV for video games :-)
  9. With a new parent, I think the Scoutmaster was being out of line. The SM should have said--it's in the book. If it were to the Scout instead of the parent, I agree, "ask your patrol leader (provide that they didn't have a New Scout Patrol) or Senior Patrol leader" would be appropriate. This isn't to a Scout, but a parent. If a parent gets too bad of a taste in their mouth, they aren't going to support the Troop. That's good for no one. Maybe that particular SM has a waiting list to join the troop, but if he doesn't, he's shooting himself (and the Troop) in the foot. The other side is, I don't know what kind of orientation to the new parents that the SM has offered. If he has explained boy led and the Patrol method to the parents, then he's not so out of line.
  10. This youtube link is to a similar idea. I didn't listen to the sound on the video, just the picture.
  11. JoeBob, I think by spinning target, she means one that spins when you hit it. I'd say make a frame out of PVC. Then hang a target using a T-shaped piece of PVC a size bigger than the frame tubing (say use 1 inch pipe, and a 1 1/2 inch T-piece).
  12. I would be very irritated to hear that a Philmont Crew was served out of date products. A Philmont expedition is a major undertaking for a troop, and to be fed old food (even if it's safe, it's not going to taste good). Is this a common occurrence?
  13. Well, I'd like to read the study Callooh! is referencing. I can easily see why 4-H, FFA and ROTC are not considered positives for elite schools. The first two are extremely rural in nature, which is something that the elite schools aren't accustomed to. The third isn't even allowed in many of the elites. ROTC is basically thought of as working class and militaristics. Again, I'd like to read the study, not just a vague admonition to google it.
  14. This is an issue we are having in our Troop. Some of the boys have expressed that many of our campouts are boring, and to the same two or three palces (which they are). The problem is that we don't really have a consensus about what parents are willing to pay. We are trying to have a parent meeting, but haven't been able to drum up enough parents to agree to meet at the same time.
  15. From what I've gathered from reading different sources is that the danger of a sheath knife is that if you fall while wearing one, there is a chance of it cutting through the sheath and causing major damage to arteries in the thighs. In one of the sources it mentioned to always wear a sheath knife either over the hip, or behind your torso, and to never wear one in front of the hip.
  16. Base, Maybe in the short-run, Scouting outdoors is more dangerous than video games, but in the long run, I don't think it is. Metabolic diseases (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) cause more deaths than outdoor accidents.
  17. Many councils have bans on sheath knives. I know mine does, with the exception of fillet knives. It's irrational, but doesn't cause too much trouble. Pocketknives are adequate for most things we need knives for--even cooking purposes. Prior to being a scout leader, I would usually have a sheath knife in my daypack, but rarely used it. Don't anymore. Also, hunting is allowed for Venturers, so BSA does allow hunting.
  18. First, to Stosh: Camping with Scouts (or any single group of people) isn't going to provide as many opportunities as camping alone or with varied people. Groups just don't do trips as efficiently or as easily as singles. Second, I do think some of the fun has been taken out, but I don't blame BSA. I blame the litigious society we live in. The regs are there because the potential for lawsuits exist. That said, IIRC, the Guide to Safe Scouting got a little shorter in the last edition. Maybe we've turned the corner on regulations taking the fun out of scouting.
  19. I gotta agree with Eng61's Scout's view that the Eagle Required MBS are pretty dry and besides a few, are MBs I'd personally avoid. My son (Second Class after about 14 months) has done two (First Aid and Swimming) and is planning to do two more (Lifesaving and a Citizenship) at camp along with two "fun" merit badges--Small Boat Sailing and Whitewater. Eng61, How is your Scout doing on Rank advancement? Is he 1st class yet? For reference: 1. First Aid 2. Citizenship in the Community 3. Citizenship in the Nation 4. Citizenship in the World 5. Communications 6. Personal Fitness 7. Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving 8. Environmental Science 9. Personal Management 10. Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling 11. Camping 12. Family Life
  20. I would also add that the adult leaders will bust our butts to help a willing boy advance. We might even cajole an unwilling boy a bit. But we won't force it.
  21. I'd just tell them "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." We had plenty of oppportunities for your child that he chose not to avail himselves of. This isn't school, and we won't force a Scout to do anything.
  22. When my oldest went to summer camp last year, I was deeply disappointed in the T-2-1 program. My oldest hated it--too much "classroom." In addition, the requirement record keeping was terrible. We found that some things the boys were signed off on weren't done. We also found that some things not signed off on were done (and the scouts proved it to us). My youngest is going to a different T-2-1 program this year (different camp). I hope it's better. That said, I'm really not too impressed with the older scouts in our troop and their level of T-2-1 skills. We are working on them.
  23. From zooming the PDF, I can read "Made in Bangladesh" on the shirt. Better than China, admittedly, but still not made in USA.
  24. I agree that pretty much the Senate should put nominees up to a vote. Filibustering should be reserved for cases where legislation needs to be looked at closer before passing. However, having dealt with very smart people (and being one myself), I'm not certain I want them running things. I want them giving advice and input, but not necessarily making the decisions.
  25. I think the reporter did a poor job of figuring out the facts. I think we'll have to wait until the author publishes the data in a scientific publication (with a good description of methodology, etc.). Not to offend journalists out there, but most cannot adequately interpret and describe scientific methodology/research. That said, data obtained in 2008 pretty much means it's a current study. It takes a while to get from the data stage to the publishing stage, especially for a Ph.D. candidate who is writing his dissertation based on this study he performed.
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