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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Basement has pretty good advice on this issue. I don't think this should be a death penalty offense (or even one that leads to his loss of his SPL position), and without a doubt, the boy needs to be able to tell his side of the story.
  2. Reading over the study, I can't see how they separated the effect of Fox news from that of all the different news sources. Almost nobody watches just one source of news (which the study admitted).
  3. By doing things, I mean adding more requirements.
  4. Short, Population as a whole stats. The thing is, media aside, most things in this world are getting safer without doing things.
  5. Short: We have the lowest crash rate (# of car crashes per 100 million miles driven) that has been recorded since 1960 (when these stats started being compiled). Driver's ed seems to be working.
  6. Boomer, The ones you posted SHOULD be true, although not to the extreme. A boy scout should know basic first aid. A boy scout should be able to handle most emergencies. A boy scout should be able to navigate in the woods.
  7. While our boys do usually wear them as shorts, the Centennial pants I think are pretty practical. Then again, we are in north Florida.
  8. We theoretically do, but usually let kids sign up late. It irritates my older son, who is a patrol leader and who signs up on time every time.
  9. eng61, First, each of the handbooks from Tiger Cub to Boy Scouts has a parents guide to recognizing abuse, etc., and things for parents to talk about with their children. Second, some Troops actually teach this. Our troop brings in the Council expert on youth protection to talk to the boys about it.
  10. I'm with John. The garrison cap is about the most impractical headgear possible.
  11. Base, How many hundreds of kids have you worked with? I'm just talking in terms of allergies, not in terms of picky eaters. I do agree that picky eating is a byproduct of pampering.
  12. And there's also the problem with food in tents attracting raccoons/bears/other wildlife.
  13. Basement: Small sample size is why your scouts from the hood don't have food allergies. My boys' troop doesn't have any boys with food allergies either, and they are all middle class kids. Have one extremely picky eater, but he is mildly autistic, and can eat anything as long as he has ketchup for it.
  14. Sounds like something that the patrols need to do. I would hope by the time a Scout is 11, they would know their dietary restrictions, and be able to explain it to their patrol (in addition, the parent needs to explain situation to SM). An epi pen is also a necessity, if life threatening.
  15. I just don't get the whole ultra-picky eater thing. One of my brothers' kids has that. Drives the rest of the family crazy at get-togethers. My oldest son doesn't particularly care for scrambled eggs (or any eggs for that matter). However, he realized that camping survival makes it essential to be able to eat them. He found that with ketchup or salsa, they are palatable.
  16. Question: For the older Scout leaders among us: Is this trait of kids being extremely picky eaters to the point of eating almost nothing on a weekend a new one, or have there always been one or two out there?
  17. I can't imagine that on a campout. I'm not sure what our SM would do if that happened. I can't imagine telling our SM that I was going to take my son to McDonald's because he wouldn't eat what was served. Wow, I think I've heard it all.
  18. Fred, Did that really happen? A new scout didn't eat what he and patrol decided on, so his dad took him to McDonalds? That is totally crazy.
  19. Every child is different in terms of discipline, etc. For some taking Scouts away as punishment doesn't work. In that case, don't do it. In my case, it worked for my boys. I haven't had to repeat it since the oldest was a Bear. He's now a First Class Scout in his second year as a Boy Scout.
  20. I've never stopped my boys from going to scouts based on a single homework assignment. I have told them that if they don't do better on getting all of their homework done this week, I would not let them go to Scouts the next week. Had to do it once, and the homework problem disappeared. I would do the same if they are on a sports team.
  21. I've kept my boys out of scouts if they have not done their homework.
  22. My conclusions: The scouts we do have are more dedicated, and see Eagle as a goal, rather than just hanging out as the goal. I was a scout in the late 1970s. None of my friends had Eagle as a goal. We didn't know any scouts from our troop who were Eagles. OTOH, we all dropped out of Scouts after two years....
  23. As long as the adults are labor and not management, I don't see the problem. I've participated in Eagle projects as labor. I just do what the project manager (Eagle candidate) wants me to do.
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