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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. We had a scout in that situation. Took a little while to persuade both parents that they need to let him do his own thing every once in a while. He's advancing a bit more slowly than the other Scouts in his cohort, but is First Class and almost Star now. (cohort tends to be Star and almost Life).
  2. This is one of those situations that everybody needs to shut up about until the whole story is known. Nothing good for justice is happening with the media circus and the right and left wing commentators all putting their spin on it. I feel for those folks that were misidentified as Zimmerman's parents.
  3. "Not sure if kids will discern the difference between hunting game for fun and adventure vs. hunting humans or non-game animals. You might recruit a ton of NRA members from it though." Well, considering that human beings have done it for thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of years, I think it's fairly easy for kids to discern the difference. There is no relationship between hunting animals and hunting humans. Hunting animals does not cause people to become serial killers.
  4. I would think it would depend on the source of the money in the account. If from selling popcorn, I would say no. If from some sort of troop function, it depends on the by-laws and the committeee.
  5. Kudu, My observations as well. I've been at campouts where there was enormous amounts of tinder material under our feet. The scouts, though, head far away to find inferior tinder.
  6. As Advancement person in our troop, I give out badges to the boys at the closing of the meeting that they earn it. Fortunately, we have a supply of rank advancement badges sufficient for our needs. We replenish after submitting the advancement report. As a Cub Scout leader, I never held back advancement either. If only 2 boys out of my 12 Webelos got their Webelos badge, they would be awarded at the next Pack meeting. If 11 of the 12 got their Webelos badge, they would be awarded. I don't have a problem with that. The only time I would have a problem is if a boy earned it, and didn't get it.
  7. From what I've read about it in Scouting Magazine, the Kayaking merit badge should be released in July 2012.
  8. The problem is that the critical portion of the story hasn't been revealed. We know that Zimmerman followed the boy. We know that he killed the boy, claiming self defense. We don't know what happened in between those points. Until we have a good indication of what happened during that time period, there is really no intelligent way to discuss this.
  9. Wow, I thought the canoe swamps were just scouts having fun...... Didn't realize it was training.
  10. Like the way the title misstates the award. Also, it's old news, it's been around for almost two years.
  11. Tahawk, I disagree in terms of parents. I think troops should welcome parents. My observation is that the Scouts that stick with Scouting have parents involved, either as committee members or as SM/ASM. That said, parents on campouts doesn't mean that the kids are interacting with their parents all the time (or much at all). I rarely talk to my sons on campouts. I make them call me Mr., just like all the rest of the boys do. They have to ask permission to come to the adult area, just like the rest of the boys. I think all parents (or at least one of each kid's parents) should show up at least at one campout. It helps to reinforce what the troop is doing. It also lets parents realize that their sons are much more capable than they realized.
  12. Mom2cubs, The French press is the easiest way for coffee for a single person on a campout. Starbucks and Target sell travel mugs that have built-in presses. Starbucks Via is a pretty good solution as well. Not quite as good as drip, but pretty close. My troop has an adult percolator for the adults. I usually carry my Via just in case. Hammocks are a great solution to sleeping on the ground. Cots aren't bad either, but much harder to carry.
  13. Engineer, It's a fine line, and it differs troop by troop. My troop encourages all parents to stay at the meeting if they like, or they can drop off and pick up Scout (they have to come inside to do this, and we do have a whiteboard with upcoming activities on it). It's up to them. About half of our new crossover parents are there. That said, pretty much the Scouts do their own thing durign a meeting. The Troop does troop activities led by SPL, and they do patrol activities led by PL. Parents stay at a couple of tables so they can either talk among themselves, or watch the scouts. Parents should be welcomed at any activity. Parents' roles at outdoor activities should be primarily to observe (and of course drive).
  14. Boy Scouts has metaphysical requirements because it's founder thought it was an important part of creating good men.
  15. We'd probably have 3-4 adults on the OP's outing. I think much beyond 4 is too many. Two, of course, is the minimum.
  16. If you want to be SM, go for it. I agree that you shouldn't do the job of SM, with the title of ASM. It is not good for anybody--you, the boys or the person with the SM title.
  17. Merlyn, As an agnostic or atheist, could you honestly obey the Scout oath? Would you want to join a group that had such a requirement? On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
  18. If Stepdad is uncomfortable, while the adult leaders are comfortable, then Stepdad's instincts should be the one to follow. What does Mom think about it? Has Scout ever passed the swim test? If so, if it was less than a year ago (summer camp?) then Scout may be a swimmer? Has the ASM that will be in the canoe seen Scout in the water before?
  19. noname, Have you tried talking to the boys? Have the ones that want to camp ask (beg) their parents. You only need one other adult leader and you can start going on patrol outings. How about the newly crossed over scouts? They need three campouts to get First Class. The other thing is have you checked out other nearby troops? It might be easier to change troops than to change the troop you are in.
  20. Noname, I'm confused. Is the problem the adults or scouts or both? Have you talked to any of the other Scout parents? What do they feel? Are you a registered leader? Have you mentioned to your son about the possibility of a patrol campout?
  21. With a PFD, unless they are doing whitewater it's a pretty safe situation. I wouldn't hesitate being in a boat with a boy who couldn't swim at all as long as they have that PFD on (which all scouts and leaders are required to wear on a scouting boating event).
  22. From Guide to Safe Scouting Safety Afloat For activity afloat, those not classified as a swimmer are limited to multiperson craft during outings or float trips on calm water with little likelihood of capsizing or falling overboard. They may operate a fixed-seat rowboat or pedal boat accompanied by a buddy who is a swimmer. They may ride in a canoe or other paddle craft with an adult swimmer skilled in that craft as a buddy. They may ride as part of a group on a motorboat or sailboat operated by a skilled adult.
  23. My reading on the subject says that Buddhists are nontheists, rather than atheists. My definition of atheist is very strict (i.e. equivalent to strong atheist). Atheist means that that person absolutely believes that there is no god or gods.
  24. Reading the letter of the law (i.e. the merit badge book), I would count tent camping after a baseball game as one of the twenty nights needed for the Camping Merit badge.
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