What do you need it for? I won't send you mine for privacy reasons. Unless you are creating a new advancement program, I think you'd be better off just using the option in Internet Advancement and manually enter the information.
I have opened the file in Excel, and honestly, there isn't enough information in the .csv to allow you to recreate it. The first two lines of the file are information about the unit. Beginning at the third line, there are two columns of numbers that I have no idea what they mean, then three columns with Scouts first name, middle initial and last name. Then a column of the Scout's scout ID #, a blank column, then a date, then a code for what was earned--RT is rank Tenderfoot, R1 is rank First Class or a number (10 is Personal Fitness MB). There is a row in the spreadsheet for each Scout, and it ends with a row with two columns of numbers.