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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. 8Yrs? I get 7 yrs--11-12,12-13,13-14,14-15,15-16,16-17,17-18. Until they are first class, there is no use to getting a POR. That takes at least a year in my observation, leaving 6 yrs. So that's more like 18 of 72. I do agree that we too often forget about SM assigned projects, which is an option up to Life. My observation is that the scouts who are not chosen by SPL for a POR often don't want to do a SM assigned project. I think it is because they don't realize how much work the PORs really are in a boy led troop. Boys not chosen by SPL IMHO are mainly the boys who try to avoid work as much as possible.
  2. The Scoutmaster's Handbook says that normally the SPL assigns the PORs, with Scoutmaster input, but that is up to the Troop to decide. The Scoutmaster can choose all of them if he wants (but that's not exactly boy-led, IMHO). My sons' troop has the SPL choosing the PORs, with some Scoutmaster vetos and input.
  3. From what I can tell, a significant number of Scoutmasters discourage boys under 16 from gettin Eagle, they tell them to slow down and enjoy, etc. That said, my son got his Eagle in December of this year at age 15. He's having much more fun in scouts now (and he had a lot of fun before). Average age of Eagle now is 17. In the 1940s it was 14.
  4. We use something like this. No brackets needed, no proof it was there. http://www.walmart.com/ip/CAP-Barbell-Pull-Up-Bar/17217215
  5. If the boy is as helpful, etc., as the mom claims, then he can't do anything more in terms of service--he is doing actions. His only choice is to get the boys to like him. That said, I doubt he is as helpful as mom claims, at least when adults aren't looking. As BD said, boys aren't stupid. They know who works hard, etc. They know who has to be prodded to break camp, vs. those who are working hard withou being told.
  6. Usually with specialized (and potentially dangerous) activities like skydiving or Scuba diving or flying, you have to hold active certifications as instructors to be authorized as MBC. Most aquatics badges require specialized training, for example.
  7. If the boy is a Paper Scout, then it's not an insult. I don't think the SM handled this the best (actually pretty miserably). It's not psychologically abuse if true. A better way for the SM to have handled it is to tell the boy that his outdoor skills need work, and that he needs to step it up a notch. I agree with Qwazse, the boy should try to prove the SM wrong. That is what I would suggest. IF this is the only problem the boy has had with the SM, then that should end it. If it's been an ongoing thing, I would perhaps suggest the scout find a troop that meets his needs better. I certainly don't think the SM should be removed, but I do agree that the CC should speak to him about it.
  8. I like the worksheets, just because they give the boys a way to organize the material, and have a list of requirements on them. That said, I'm not slavish about them, and unless it's something requesting a written plan, we discuss it, rather than just read it off the worksheet.
  9. Are you in it for you or the boys? I've been a Tiger Cub leader, a Bear leader, a Webelos leader, a Troop Committee member and am now an ASM. I have exactly 0 knots. I'm trained for all of the above except Bear. Don't worry about it. The thing to worry about is are the Cub Scouts having a good time? Are they learning? Are they excited about being Scouts?
  10. Are you in it for you or the boys? I've been a Tiger Cub leader, a Bear leader, a Webelos leader, a Troop Committee member and am now an ASM. I have exactly 0 knots. I'm trained for all of the above except Bear. Don't worry about it. The thing to worry about is are the Cub Scouts having a good time? Are they learning? Are they excited about being Scouts?
  11. Your method is the classic way to do it--boy with interest contacts MBC, etc. In terms of "classes," they vary. In my troop, I show up at our Scout hut two Thursday's a month for "Merit Badge Class." What that basically means is that if anybody wants to work on a merit badge, one or more MBCs will be there. I've also run it as conventional classes, or to do an activity--for example, we did an oil spill simulation for Environmental Science.
  12. We use troopwebhost for the pictures, email groups, docs, advancement and finances. It's a bit of a chore to convert advancement from Troopmaster, but IMHO the total package is worth it. (I wouldn't have said this 13 months ago, in mid conversion, though)
  13. I wore my uniform at my oldest son's Eagle COH. I would wear whatever he wanted. He had no preference, so I wore the uniform I have worn for most of his scouting career.
  14. Base, we've got a Scout in our Troop that is on his third troop. Good thing for him he got OA in his last troop. He resembles your above remark.
  15. Whatever your son would prefer you to wear.
  16. There are a variety of ways to play football. The three major types are "touch," "flag" and "tackle" football. Each of those can be played differently. Touch football is the usual "pick up" game football, it can be played either high contact or low contact. Flag football is for a low contact organized version. Tackle football should be only played in an organized fashion with pads, etc, but as a youth and young adult, we would often play tackle football in yards without pads, etc. This is a decent intro to touch football, which I would suggest starting out with. http://voices.yahoo.com/how-play-touch-football-kids-6406216.html?cat=25
  17. Are there any leader awards available for ASMs or MBCs?
  18. Eagle92, Are you a cub scout leader for the pack in the CO? Or are you a Boy Scout leader in another troop, outside the CO? If the first, get the boys to be informal or formal den chiefs. At least get them outside. If the second, recruit them into your troop, which I'm sure is active camping. It's sad to me that a troop would not go on a campout between Christmas and the end of March. We've already been on three troop campouts (and getting ready for another the first weekend of April). I wish all boy scouts had a lot of camping opportunities.
  19. We do have the personal locator, but haven't thought about backup for epi-pen. Will add that to our discussion before next remote campout.
  20. We do patrol cooking with dutch ovens and cast iron skillets. On backpacking trips, we do instant mashed potatoes/stovetop stuffing/ramen with foil pouches of spam/chicken/tuna/beef crumbles or summer sausage. The problem with mess kit cooking is the poor quality of most mess kits.
  21. T2Eagle, The National Form for money raising says that it is up to the Council to approve the use of uniform. Our council doesn't allow the use of uniform unless it raises money for the council. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34427.pdf'>http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34427.pdf http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34427.pdf
  22. Troopwebhost works fine (for the most part) on iphones, anyway. There are a few quirks with it, but most of what I need to do during meetings can be done on the phone. We moved to Troopwebhost about a year and a half ago, and I'm pretty happy with it.
  23. Barry, that kind of thing is avoided by vetting fundraising activities (paperwork), not by banning the uniform in fundraising UNLESS the council gets their share. The true reason is greed. The Council wants their share, or we can't use the uniform.
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