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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Sunday night wouldn't work for many in my troop. Also, our CO wouldn't approve. Sunday night is when they have their high school youth group. My sons, for instance, couldn't do both. Scouting is for those who want to be scouts. No losers, no cool kids, none of that applies to scouts, IMHO. I do think that the long time in Cub Scouts is a dual edged sword. The first is that Cub Scouting is very different than Boy Scouting. I think some of the boys we recruit into Cubs thinking it was Boy Scouts quickly get turned off, and we lose them forever. Some would enjoy Boy Scouts, but don't like Cub Scouts. The second is that most boys who really like Cub Scouts are instant recruits for boy scouts. I think G2SS hurts us a lot, especially with Cub Scouts. I know there are reasons for those restrictions, but they are almost to the point of bubble wrapping.
  2. Are there any ASMs? Have you talked to them about stepping up?
  3. All troops have that problem to one degree or another. There are two of us in my troop that are regular attendees. I'm (an ASM) at about 75% of campouts, the SM is at about 95%. That said, we rarely have problems getting a third or fourth adult, it's dependable regulars that are the problem.
  4. Youth sports is also on the decline, BTW. Pretty much by middle school, all the non-athletic boys are harassed out of sports anyway. Also, I don't know if you realize this or not, but nerds are taking over the world.....
  5. Did she ever tell him to stop? I do think a new SM is in order, but I don't feel it was sexual harassment if she wasn't clear that his intentions were not wanted. Also, part of sexual harassment is the whole power thing. As SM, he is serving at the CC's pleasure--i.e. she has the power over him. The CC can (and should) replace him.
  6. KDD, The local Coleman Outlet gives a 10% discount on non-sale items for the Membership card. Also, technically, the membership card is part of the official uniform. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34283.pdf‎
  7. With the chinese stuff, I don't think he's worried about aluminum. I think he's worried about other impurities, like lead or other heavy metals.
  8. Get trained in an in-person training, if you haven't already. Get BALOO and OWL and cubmaster specific. The first two so that you know Cub Scout outdoor rules. The third so that you know other Cubmasters.
  9. 1. What sexual harrassment? Has he come on to you since he asked you about the affair a year ago? Also, as the CC, you have the power. If you can find a replacement for this lech, you should. A SM should not be asking anyone, much less a CC if she's ever had an affair, etc. 2. Your job is to approve a calender, not make it. In terms of the Eagle applications, I think you need to make it known to the Scouts (and the advancement chair and the Eagle coordinator (if you have one)), your expectations. I think an hour is plenty of time, but that's me, not you.
  10. I'll take a good Eagle scout over a paper Eagle or good Life Scout :-)
  11. Can't use a bic stick lighter to ignite a propane stove? Wow, I've been doing it wrong forever.
  12. My son is a 15 yr old Eagle. He's still champing at the bit to keep on Scouting.
  13. For us it depends on the type of issue. If it's a scouting issue, Dads stay away. If it's a behavior issue, the Dad's deal with their own sons.
  14. I think the green looks better. We've got a few scouts still in red numbers, but they mostly have green loops.
  15. It was his son, not another scout.....
  16. My observation is that certain food dyes can exacerbate things. Rarely do kids have a problem with a chocolate bar and a coke, usually it's something like skittles with mountain dew.
  17. I basically agree. I do admit, I will ask our Life Scouts how things are going with their merit badges and what they plan to do for a project.
  18. I think this is a local thing. If we make our troops attractive to parents and scouts, and we provide a good program, at least locally scouting will survive. Looking around our district, I see a lot of floundering troops that aren't delivering a good program. Locally, we only have 4-H and FFA. There aren't nearly as many 4-Hers and FFAers as there are Scouts, and to be honest, they don't appeal to as many kids as Scouts. Yes, good experiences can be had without scouting, but I'm not sure they are really equivalent. 4-H and FFA are about producing farmers, and outside of farm areas, they don't appeal much. I don't even know if we have local Campfire folks.
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