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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Of course I mean two deep, but in the case of coed groups, one leader must be from each gender. I'm a local option fan. We already let girls into coed units-Venturers. I would have no problem letting each unit decide if they want to go coed or not. Honestly, the group that would be the most against it would be the Girl Scouts.
  2. I would only do something like that with an adult I trust to take care not to be changing clothes while my son is in the tent, and an adult that would leave while my son is doing it. I can see how the above can be problematic, but if the parent trusts the other man, then that's good enough for me. When I was a Cub Leader, there was one boy who was pretty much raised by his grandmother (mother was around, but not really taking care of the boy). The gay uncle (didn't know it for sure at the time, but later I met his boyfriend) was the guardian for this boy during campouts, sharing a tent, etc. Honestly, since the grandmother was all for it, I wasn't going to stop it. The boy needed male influence, both from his uncle and Scouting.
  3. Go to training. that way, you can respond to "we have always" with, that "but it's not the right way according to ...." The most important thing for Cub Scout is to have fun. If the boys are not having fun, somebody isn't doing the program right. (Boy Scouts should be the same way).
  4. So are they growing faster than we are shrinking? I didn't see any membership numbers, only troop numbers, with an "average" per troop. IMHO, they aren't doing that well, and are afraid to publish the true numbers.
  5. GA Mom, I agree on your views that homosexual behavior is a sin, and shouldn't be encouraged. That said, I don't see how openly letting the 2 or 3 % of boys who are gay into Boy Scouts will lead to more homosexual behavior than making those same boys (if they want to be in Boy Scouts) be secretive about it. I just don't see that many openly Gay boys who will join BSA. We also don't let the older Scouts tent with the younger Scouts, even though we have no gay scouts. It's just not a compatible thing. (that and most of our older scouts tent by themselves, it's one of their privileges of rank). That said, I think the issue of gay scouts/leaders should have been left up to local units to decide, not a bunch of people in Texas. BSA is a better all around group than all of those you mentioned, with the possible exception of 4-H. The men I know who are fellow Scout leaders are among the best men I know in terms of morals and overall character. In terms of the uniform change up at Webelos--all that does is quicken the uniform change between cub scouts and webelos. My observation with my boys was that I bought them an over-sized shirt at Tiger Cub. They wore that until they were Webelos (at which time they had outgrown it), and then changed to the khaki shirt. Then about a year or two into Boy Scouts, they got their second Khaki, again due to growth. Also, if you think a BSA uniform is expensive, you must not have a baseball player or a football player. In terms of GSA, my observation is that it varies a lot depending on the leader. My Sister-in-law is a GSA leader, and her girls camp (while not quite as intensely as the Troop my brother is an ASM in) fairly regularly. I'm sure they learn about the team aspect of marriage, etc.
  6. They would have to use the same rules of YP as we currently use. At least one same sex adult has to be there for every gender present at the campout. If only boys, you need at least one male adult leader. If only girls, you need at least one female adult leader. If both are present, you need both a male and female adult leader. Fairly simple.
  7. Usually they use their old book, but on ranks aquired since then, they work using the new requirements.
  8. Yep, exactly, but you don't want non-swimmers in the surf anyway. The main thing is if you are confident in the abilities of the boys/parents. That is the main reason I like swim tests. I can instantly see the boys who will need extra attention, even if they pass the swim test.
  9. Read again. The depth limit is lower in turbid water (8 ft rather than 12), but there is no rule about seeing the bottom They can't do underwater swimming either. Here's the G2ss Safe Swim rules on water conditions. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss02.aspx#d
  10. JC's Mom, Whats done is done. It's a bad situation, but all you will do is make it worse. What woudl you want done? Would you want the boy with the pushy mom to be stripped of his unearned sash? Do you think that will make things any better? The boys who were voted in did lose out.
  11. We do tend to plan to come back from activities later on Sunday than usual.
  12. Why can't the boys swim in the water? Take the Safe Swim Defense course.
  13. Yep, that's what the Pack I was in 6 or 7 yrs ago had to do. Somebody stepped up at that time.
  14. Do you actually think the Council makes money on training?
  15. You need to mention it to specific people, not to the group as a whole.
  16. I'm glad to hear that I was wrong in doubting the story. My google fu wasn't with me on that. It is interesting that one version of the story says broken leg, the other broken ankle.....
  17. Our committe has nothing to do with the actual scheduling--however, they are told about what the boys decided. One key to boy led is ILST. Once they start to realize the theorietical power they have, they start to use it.
  18. Yes, but to me, it gives us permission to use alcohol fuels.
  19. Jason, It's against YP rules to have a closed Facebook group for BSA. I agree that it's silly, as long as parents are part of it, but a rule is a rule. http://www.scouting.org/home/marketing/resources/socialmedia.aspx
  20. I think it's a hoax. Googling Ann Curry, April 2014, you get a show that aired on April 7, 2014.
  21. As long as teh kids and parents are happy with it, and BSA rules are followed, a self-chartered troop is fine.
  22. That's the way I read it as well. A commercial alcohol stove, while not burning a recommended fuel, is still allowed.
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