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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. My oldest son got his Eagle at 15. I think if he'd been much older getting Eagle, he would have stopped Scouts after getting the Eagle. I think getting the Eagle younger would tend to keep scouts active longer.
  2. A local candidate for a local office left a flier on my front door. The first page of the tri-fold flier has a picture of the candidate in a Scout leader uniform (he's a former WDL and possibly currently an ASM or CM for another Scout troop) with his two boys also in Scout uniform. Is this acceptable practice? I'm just curious. I will admit that I've had some run-ins with this fellow. He's a former good friend, and we had a major falling out a few years ago. I'm not going to our Council with this, as it would come out as spiteful and petty. I'm just curious as to the both legality and ethicality of this.
  3. No tricking involved (well, except for the one hour a week :-) ) The most fun is just watching the boys grow. The two remaining members of my Tiger Cub Den in my troop are both 14 yr old Life Scouts. Just ask. The oreo thing seems like a good idea.
  4. They are prescription items, so they have to be prescribed specifically. We have a couple of boys with severe allergies. Thankfully none with severe peanut allergies. That said, they each carry their own epi-pen, and all the boys in their patrol (as well as the senior boys and leaders) know how to use them.
  5. It's not a matter of evolution, it's a matter of living in too clean of an environment, IMHO. Kids aren't eating enough dirt as toddlers.
  6. He's a nice enough fellow, so I just ignored it. No need to start a religious feud. As I said, I'm a Catholic in the South, I'm used to stuff like that.
  7. If well done, I don't mind them. But then again, I am a Catholic raised in one of the Dioceses in the U.S. that has the least Catholic population per capita (about 2 in 100 people in the geographic area of the Diocese of Birmingham, AL where I grew up, are Catholic). I get irritated with our current Chaplain's aide (and our previous one), because that is the only way he prays. He's always asking for prayer requests and then bumbles around making it into a prayer. I know it's just the style of worship he's used to, because when I was asked to do the grace for the adult patrol at a meal, I did the standard Catholic "Bless us, Oh Lord" grace. The Chaplain's Aide's Dad mumbled something about routine prayers not always being sincere (or something like that). Didn't matter to me. Our CO is Catholic, and that is how we pray.
  8. With volunteers, the CM should have explained his reasoning. They should not be forced to ask him. in addition, he should have talked to them about it before simply making an announcement. When you're a volunteer, you are serving for whatever reason you have. If you don't like something as a volunteer, you can quit whenever you want to. I know I dropped out as a volunteer for a while. I didn't like the way something was done. I came back, though.
  9. I'm with skeptic--at the time, I don't think the Boy Scouts could do much. The victim chose not to report it to the police.
  10. GAMom, I understand the sentiment in terms of protecting your kids, however, how can you intervene in your child's behalf, other than talking to the parents (which seems to be a failure)? Are you going to take the older boy out of the Scout meeting and yell at him? Beat him? Call the police on him? It sounds like in this case the troop is intervening. They just haven't finished the process yet.
  11. Sue, Why keep posting? You're not going to change my mind, I'm not going to change yours. I hope that you are a vegan, otherwise you are a hypocrite. That said, even as a vegan, how do you feel you have a right to have that vegetable matter you eat over any other living creature.... I will keep fishing, you can keep eating veggies out of the mouths of poor caterpillars and assorted other creatures.
  12. If you're going to go outdoors, go for the microfiber.
  13. My wife is committee secretary for our boys' troop. She sends the minutes out by email to the committee members. I post the minutes on troopwebhost.
  14. The fish that I caught three times in a row in a period of an hour must not have had long term memory. They don't have the same brain to process what the pain means that we do. Fish are food.
  15. Post #16 was my parental post. Now, in terms of effectiveness as a Den Leader, I think it would actually be better to be the Den leader for the same den for several years. My sons are one scout year apart. I had the opportunity to be the WDL for both of their second years as Webelos. I think I did a better job the second go-round.
  16. As a volunteer, if I were FORCED into anything in that way, I would graciously tell them that I don't want to do that, and that I quit. Then, I would be the parent that stays at the Den meetings and helps out. When I was in Cub Scouts, I did it for my sons, and I felt being a Den leader was enough of a sacrifice to their quality time, and I can't imagine being a Den Leader for another bunch of Cubs. SOunds like the CM's further pack was one of those "get it all done before Blue and Gold" packs, and his boys were bored due to that. They won't be as bored next year, unless he does all those achievements at home over the summer.
  17. Fish don't have the nervous system to truly feel the way we do. Ever look at a fish brain? It's tiny.
  18. MIne would stay the same, but I pretty much expect my friends to come pretty close to following the Scout Oath and Law anyways.
  19. IMHO, the Adirondack (or a cabin) doesn't count for Camping merit badge. It's just not the same as a tent or under the stars. It's kind of a moot point, though. I don't know of any scouts in our troop up for Camping merit badge who wouldn't qualify without summer camp. Scouts need to be camping a lot.
  20. I will admit, when I was a Cub leader, I wasn't big on uniforming. I would wear a field uniform shirt, and often a necker, but didn't get uniform pants until I started working with the Troop (which is full uniform, and wearing uniforms on travel). I was still kind of lukewarm on uniforms, until I visited summer camp. At that point, I saw the differences in troops, and was generally more impressed by the uniformed troops, including my own.
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