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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. You missed part of that quote: Wood and solids are not chemical fuels, and there is nothing wrong with homebuilt solid fuel stoves: [h=2]Purpose[/h] This policy directs Boy Scouts of America members how to safely store, handle, and use chemical fuels and equipment. Safety and environmental awareness concerns have persuaded many campers to move away from traditional outdoor campfires in favor of chemical-fueled equipment used for cooking, heating, and lighting. Be aware that chemical fuels and equipment create very different hazards than traditional wood, charcoal, and other solid fuels; this policy defines how to address those hazards. Before any chemical fuels or chemical-fueled equipment is used, an adult knowledgeable about chemical fuels and equipment, including regulatory requirements, should resolve any hazards not specifically addressed within this policy. [h=2]Definitions[/h] Chemical fuelsâ€â€Liquid, gaseous, or gelled fuels. http://www.scouting.org/Home/HealthandSafety/GSS/gss06.aspx
  2. Hmm, I didn't think that chemical fuels were allowed to be used to light fires. I bet it looked impressive, but it wasn't Scoutlike, IMHO. What part of leave no trace involves 50+ feet of aluminum foil, etc.
  3. Make sure the meetings are productive and to the point. Nobody likes going to long drawn out ineffective meetings. Go for email/text reminders, but other than that, if you have low attendance at anything, there is a reason for it. IS the time not convenient for them? Do they feel the meetings are not worth their time?
  4. Man, you have a cheap Troop. My troop doubles our salary every year.
  5. Well, you need to relay to the Scouts that keeping the Troop going is their duty. If you don't keep the Troop going, then others aren't going to have the fun you did, and if the boys ahead of them had thought like they are thinking, their wouldn't be a troop today. Remember, it's "boy led" not "boy led into the ground."
  6. In terms of the ASM's and efficiency, Scouting is not an exercise in efficiency. It's an exercise in showing boys how to lead and become self-sufficient. If efficiency is what is wanted, then why have the boys lead at all? I can guarantee that a campout run by the ASMs would be much more efficient, than any run by the boys.
  7. I can see both sides. We change camps every year. Our basic justification is that since adults are taking a vacation, they may as well have different scenery. That part is nice, and the boys get to meet different troops from different areas. That said, I can see how it might be nice to go to the same camp every summer, have the same campsite, etc. I wish that our local camp was better.
  8. I'd tell A to buzz off, or I would quit working with them, explaining that their differences had nothing to do with the venturers.
  9. Back when I was in a Pack, our Pack provided Saturday lunch and Saturday dinner for Pack outing. Breakfast was on on our own. Generally lunch was burgers cooked on buddy burners. Dinner was hot dogs or sometimes we would have a chili cookoff as dinner (usually with hot dogs for boys who didn't eat chili). Webelos would often do hobo meals on afore-mentioned buddy burners.
  10. Where is writing required in T-2-1 requirements? I've been a Boy Scout leader (Advancement chair, then ASM) for almost 5 years, and I don't recall any writing in T-2-1 Requirements, except maybe menu planning. The rest are all describe, discuss, demonstrate, etc. None say to write.
  11. We haven't had much luck with JASMs, but then again, we haven't had Eagles who've stuck around (most have been 17). My oldest (almost 16) may become our first workable JASM, as he is our first Eagle to stick around. I do think that 16 should be a requirement for JASM, though.
  12. In my case, I'm the only troop counselor for Environmental Science and Cooking. For that reason, I counseled my sons on those badges. In the case of a few other badges that I counsel that they used other counselors for, I wish that I could have been their counselor--the other counselors aren't as strict as I am.
  13. Well, I would ask the boy what he did for 5c--I can see how a small habitat improvement project around the ecology hut could be done.. Also, ask if he did 7 a, b or c. 7 c was my choice as FWM MBC.
  14. My oldest son earned Cooking before it was a current Eagle requirement (it was an upcoming requirement). I asked him if he wanted a silver border Cooking merit badge patch. He looked at me like I was crazy....
  15. Or if you're on the Gulf coast, hot sauce is a suitable replacement for ketchup.
  16. Locally, the Native American tribes seem to approve of OA and their "bunch of white guys dressing up in less than authentic traditional dress of the culture and make-believing in some sort of ritual reflected of their religion" . In fact, the OA here sponsors a campout for the scouting public that includes a Pow Wow run by the local tribe.
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