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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. We have the pictures locked down, so that only the Page managers can tag photos. It's in the Tagging Ability settings on the page.
  2. I'd be leery of his opinions. It's better for him if a Troop decides to give up on Boy Scouting.
  3. Edit: I didn't realize I was posting to a Lazarus thread. I deleted my comments for that reason.
  4. Well, we haven't had the problem with anybody tagging kids in photos.
  5. I follow the rules, in term of an open page. That said, I think a better rule would be that parents have to be able to get access to the closed group.
  6. Our facebook page is primarily for parents, so they can see pics of their kids.
  7. You can set up public pages so that approval for comments is required before they are made public. That said, we never tag photos on Facebook on our Troop facebook page.
  8. BSA has guidelines. Open groups are required. No secrecy. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Marketing/Resources/SocialMedia.aspx
  9. I'm confused, was the advance/touching done by a Scout or a Scouter? If by a Scouter, it sounds like YP guidelines weren't followed, and the Scouter should be dismissed. If by a Scout, it depends on the nature of the touching.
  10. I've always thought of the ECOH as being the parent's choice, along with support from the troop.
  11. I think an ECOH at each place wouldn't be out of place. At the least some kind of ceremony would be appropriate at each place.
  12. The local option is a compromise position. Of course it pleases nobody, but it irritates people less than the alternative that the other side wants.
  13. I pretty much agree. My youngest son has probably 6 or 7 partials from summer camp. I hope he will convert some of these after he gets his Eagle. I think that summer camp MBs should be fun merit badges that would be hard to get outside of summer camp. Climbing, shooting, etc. If I were emperor of BSA, I'd ban the "book" badges from summer camp.
  14. We haven't, but it might be useful for scouts that are causing discipline problems.
  15. A lot of camps have already done that. The camp my troop went to in 2014 (Camp Daniel Boone in NC) had individual rooms for showers, and for bathrooms. As an adult who has had to wait until 10 pm at other camps to be allowed to shower, I thought it was great.
  16. Well, gay scouts have already been allowed in the organization for years. I haven't heard of any problems related to that, have you? I think it should all have been local option a few years ago.
  17. It should have been done a few years ago when we allowed gay youth in. They should have made it local option for all units at that time.
  18. That's what I'm afraid of as well. At least my sons have had the opportunity to benefit from Scouting.
  19. If YPT and good leaders are involved, there will be no seduction, no matter the orientation of the leaders.
  20. Every parent has to develop carrots and sticks. When the boys were in Cub Scouts, I did the above exactly once with each boy. In my case, it was worse, since I went to Cub Scouts (as a den leader) while they stayed at home working on homework.
  21. That's amazing to blame the kid for their own shortcomings. If my boys were scout age and couldn't swim, that's my fault, not the boys' fault. That said, we do have a few kids that can swim, but refuse to swim in "natural" water. I can see one of their parents getting frustrated with their kids about that. However, I still blame that on the parents.
  22. Love the idea. The only problem is finding a place 50 miles away from civilization. Not too many of those place exist east of the Mississippi.
  23. Well, I'm a volunteer with a job and family, and while I don't make every campout, I go on enough so that our troop has an active program. I have changed plans because the Troop needed another adult. Most of us volunteer leaders have jobs and families. My SM has two jobs and a family. He camps more than I do--heck he camps more than any other adult leader.
  24. I've met both types of Eagle scouters. Our current SM is an Eagle Scout, but he walks the walk. Our previous SM was a Life Scout, but he too walked the walk. I've also met the type of Eagle Scouters you describe, and I've met mediocre non-Eagle Scouters.
  25. Are you the parent or the scout leader?
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