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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Well, a few things. The first is that no scouts should be sharing inappropriate pictures--at least in my sons' troop (and they are the high school boys), if anything the high school aged scouts are much more discreet about their conversation than the middle school aged scouts. If the older kids are sharing inappropriate pictures, then something is majorly wrong with the troop. My advice would be to skip summer camp this year. I agree a 4th grader going to 5th grade is too young to be going to summer camp especially if he's an immature 4th grader. Sounds to me like a Webelos den leader either has an older scout in the troop, or he is almost completely burned out. I understand having been a WDL in that situation. That said, my second set of Webelos crossed over in March.
  2. In the snow in the morning, and 100 degree heat in the afternoon.
  3. Sounds fun, but with the G2SS in 2008, that was not allowed. Just looked at the guidelines, they've gotten better for paddle sports--no longer has to be council activity.
  4. How do the T21 scouts ever get enough cooking time?
  5. I understand the boys liking it. It's actually more fun to just be on a ride, than to run things. That said, I don't see how the above does much for the older scouts. It also indicates a lack of trust by the adults, and that is not good for the boys.
  6. You need to go to patrol cooking. Personally, I would say that patrols should cook together, but our boys prefer to make ad hoc patrols if enough members of a patrol aren't present. How are your boys ever able to get the cooking requirements for T21 or cooking merit badge with Troop cooking? We have enough problems doing it in patrols.
  7. I have had a Cub Scout (parent)who stopped after a campout, when I had to tell them they couldn't use the canoe they brought due to G2SS rules--wasn't a council camp, so Cub Scouts weren't allowed to be in canoes. I do agree, the silly bans do reduce membership.
  8. I'm just glad my boys got a chance to play it at an OA even before it was banned. They had a great time with it. The paper pushers are succeeding in sucking all of the life out of scouting.
  9. In a troop with the attitudes you describe, he's right. The Scouts will leave as soon as they Eagle. My oldest son has been fairly actively (unless sports interferes) involved with scouting since he got his Eagle over two years ago. In fact, he's having much more fun in scouting because of it--no advancement to worry about.
  10. I know they try to sell me one whenever I get a new uniform shirt for my sons. Frankly, I don't like the 1910-2010 centennial ring, I think it looks tacky.
  11. That was pretty much my point. IMHO, most camporees are a wasted campout weekend.
  12. Well, they try, but you know the drill. Our older scouts will be hosting the camporee in fall, and they will be planning and implementing it.
  13. If you're the SM, you shouldn't approve them, IMHO. Our SM a few years ago recommended boys for OA that he had doubts about. He regrets that decision with every one of them.
  14. Well, I agree that camporees are not for older scouts, but not for safety reasons. 1
  15. Well, not really. In the text it mentions three types of high adventure--national, council and unit. There are no restrictions listed for unit high adventure on the chart. My presumption is that is acceptable.
  16. Exactly. I think we as a society don't trust children enough. One of the benefits of Scouting should be that children (teenagers) should learn that adults can trust them.
  17. Thank you. One was my son, and the other honored me as his Eagle mentor at his ECOH. They are good Scouts, and I'm proud to have been part of their Scouting experience, and truly enjoyed watching them go from First grade Tiger cubs to High School student Eagle Scouts.
  18. Two of them were Tiger Cubs that I was Den leader for--both 15 years old--one was my youngest son, the other one of his friends.
  19. Well, SPL is supposed to appoint all the positions with the help of the SM. ASPL is especially important for the SPL to appoint. The PORs are the SPL's "cabinet."
  20. I haven't done a BOR in a few years, but our Troop didn't do it like you describe. The Scout came in, and while standing, said the Pledge, Scout Oath and Scout law. Then the Scout sat down, and we had a conversation, kind of like a job interview, but also trying to find out about the program. #3 is the hardest to accomplish. However, by asking a Scout questions about say cooking or knots, and what the hardest part about it was, or what they liked/hated about it, does tend to lead you to figure out how well Scouts are learning the skills.
  21. Maybe a 4 hour refresher for WFA (only do a few scenarios, rather than instruction).
  22. IMHO, permission slips are useful. Not that they actually mean anything, but I can't imagine facing a lawsuit WITHOUT a permission slip from the parents.
  23. At the day of my oldest son's EBOR, half of the District reps were in the Magellan switchbacks. Most didn't even bother to take off the magellan tag :-)
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