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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Nobody in Venturing, boy or girl, who hasn't become a First Class scout first, can work on Boy Scout Advancement. I have a feeling in the next few years, we will be allowing girls in what is currently Boy Scouts (i.e for 11-17 year olds).
  2. As a MB counselor, I do that as well. For their sake, I have my copy.
  3. If your son or troop is interested in these, bring the forms to one of the above, and recruit them. The paperwork is simple.
  4. I agree with you on that. Camping is where the boys lead and learn the most. Most of our better Scouts are in that category--50+ nights camping. I would probably add that your better Scouts will also try out different methods of camping. Your mediocre scout is happy in the tent every campout. Your better scouts will try out hammocks, tarps, sleep on picnic tables, etc., as well as tents.
  5. Well, in terms of the Cooking merit badge, blame rules lawyers. Basically speaking, the rules have to be spelled out exactly, or slackers will be slack.
  6. 1. Ask the SPL to explain these things. Your son needs to talk to the Advancement person about this situation. 2. Ask the SPL (or other scouts) which adults are best about responding. Also, ask the SPL to sign off on requirements. 3. I wish we had done this. Sometimes the youth running "Mountain Man" or other first year scout programs at summer camp sign off en masse, instead of actually testing each scout. If your son learned these, it should be easy. 4. Improper, but common sense. There are some merit badges an 11 year old really isn't ready for. Ask the SM for reasons behind this. 5. The SPL should be planning meetings, not the SM. Have your son keep on him. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 6. Only way around that is to volunteer to do that yourself. I say this having been an Advancement chair for 3 years in the past. 7. Sometimes this is needed--was it the troop or the camp?
  7. IMHO, it depends on the religious situation of your scouts/leaders. If there are any non-Christians, that would be inappropriate. If all in the troop are Christian, it's fine.
  8. Yup, for the EBORs I've been part of , that wasn't an issue--the council registrar has already ironed that stuff out.
  9. I'm from Krispy Kreme country, but I agree in terms of hot Krispy Kreme donuts--they can't be beat. But after that critical hour or so, Dunkin are better.
  10. I voted Dunkin Donuts, but my answer is more nuanced. If the donuts are hot, Krispy Kreme glazed donuts are the best donuts available. Other than that, I prefere Dunkin Donuts.
  11. You don't have troop committee members/parents on the EBOR? I know we have, and based on comments from them, they were glad that they were there--they have insights into the boys' experience that the district folks never have. That, and it does give the Eagle candidate familiar faces to have in the room with him.
  12. Two things: 1) Do what you can to help the boy. You need to start a line item for "scouts in need" or as our troop does "camperships." 2) The boy needs to participate in fundraising as well. 3) Have a heart to heart with your CO about this situation, and the need to raise funds. I hope your CO isn't a church.
  13. Yup, it does. We have a Catholic Church for a CO, so we do whatever around the church campus that the little old church ladies want us to do. We recently helped with serving lunch for a women's retreat.
  14. Huh? One of the comments on the first page advocated for Trail Life USA.
  15. Well, for Eagle requirements--it's an either/or--either Environmental Science or Sustainability. IMHO, Sustainability takes the worst parts of Environmental Science, and expands them into a merit badge. Environmental science is much more hands-on, and fun. For two truly fun, nature-oriented merit badges (not Eagle Required)--Nature, and Fish and Wildlife Management are good badges.
  16. Great to hear! Congrats to the new Eagle and to his parents!
  17. The district biologist couldn't think of any crime they may have committed.
  18. I didn't get the above from the article posted at all. Please point out where the game warden says he told them to do nothing? I'm with the kids on this one. The Camp director was making things up to justify his actions. The district biologist said they did the right thing. Also, this isn't like the baby bison story. They talked to wildlife rehabilitation specialists before doing anything. The only thing they did wrong was to not obey their boss, who gave a questionable order.
  19. Personally, I think 15 is close to the ideal age for an Eagle--both of my boys got their Eagles at that age. It gives them a chance to give back to the Troop.
  20. I don't think it's appropriate for the wilderness and Scout outings, but it would be a great way for a Scout on a non-scout outing to get outside more. I have downloaded the app, but haven't started playing yet.
  21. Well, there is nothing in the Advancement process that allows retesting of the T-2-1 skills, unfortunately. That said, has he done a POR for Eagle? If so, how did he do?
  22. Why did you punish your son with that MB? Environmental Science is a better MB and is actually fun.
  23. I agree. The key to retention is not that the Scouts get First Class in a year, but that they have the opportunity (due to a robust outdoor program) so that they can get theoretically get First Class in a year.
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