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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. Well, in our Troop the family planned ECOHs are Troop events. For my sons, I looked at the nice meal we served at the ECOH as a kind of thank you to the Troop. I think it should be left up to the family and committee to decide.
  2. Should be up to the Committee. For our troop, the general thing is that the Troop buys the Eagle kit and an Eagle necker and slide, and we usually frame the certificate. The parents do the rest, and what they do in terms of refreshments is up to them. Some do a cake. Some do a meal. Some just do snacks. With both of my sons, we did a meal, but that was partly because we had people in from out of town, and that makes for a festive occasion. That said, it makes sense that his Scout account could be used to reimburse--it's a scouting activity.
  3. "Robert is Here" is a great place for fruit flavored milkshakes (as well as all sorts of produce). It's a roadside stand on steroids, and is on the way in to the park from Florida City.
  4. I pretty much agree with Desertrat. The Scouting service centers are mainly used by adults. The few kids that come through are accompanied by their parents. Also, this is a "medical" marijuana dispensary, so it's not like their will be a big party going on outside.
  5. While it's not the ideal season for it (hot and buggy), I would bring plenty of bug spray and go to the Everglades. The Everglades are located at the tip of the Peninsula, and you pass within 10 miles of the park when you are going to the Keys.
  6. I agree. You need to recruit them like I was recruited. If nobody steps up, the den will have to be disbanded.
  7. Good to hear. Sounds like he found the right troop.
  8. Yes, it counts for both. It's much easier to do them separately. Our troop did a backpacking trip that met both. There's a section of the Pinhoti trail close to Mt. Cheaha in Alabama known as the Stairway to Heaven. It's about a 900 foot elevation gain in about half a mile on the map--a lot of rocky switchbacks.
  9. I was actually just expanding on what you have said, with my personal example. I agree with you.
  10. Well, I know when I was a WDL (2 1/2 years, two different dens--1 1/2 years with the first den, then straight to a year with the second den), my goal was to make the boys into boy scouts over the year. I got them outside as much as I could, and had them doing their own cooking as much as I could (had a few helicopter moms and dads).
  11. None of those involve boiling in the bag. They are just recipes, and they recommend storing them in ziplocks.
  12. I, personally, like boil in bag eggs. I think it's a great idea for campouts (don't think I'd do it at home every day, but once a month or so is fine). Just talking about one of our ASMs, who I think, just didn't like the idea, and then found things to prove his dislike.
  13. To me, the point of camp is to learn and do things that you can't do easily at home. If you're lucky, that includes merit badges. My sons learned to sail, white water canoe, climb, life guarding, etc. at summer camp. As SPLs during summer camp, they also learned how to herd cats.
  14. Summer camps are useful, as most can accommodate the tastes of most age scouts. First year scouts are mainly concerned with advancement. Middle year scouts with merit badges. Older scouts with adventure. We could live without them, but I think they are useful.
  15. Webelos, done right, is that transition. I agree that a one year program for most kids is too fast of a transition--the year and a half recommended is great. BSA is the place where immature, quiet, non-athletic boys can excel. Look for a troop that emphasizes younger scouts more. That, and you might be surprised at what your son is capable of, if he gives things a chance.
  16. Well, not speaking internationally, but for NW Florida. Winter is the best time to camp here. We expect lows in the 30s, and highs in the 50s and 60s, with a chance of rain. Shelter is tent or hammock with tarp. BSA 11-17 males. Not much problem, we have more problems getting adult leaders to camp in summer locally.
  17. IMHO, Scouting professionals should be mandatory reporters, if not by law, then by BSA policy. Every misstep like this hurts Scouting wherever the news article reaches.
  18. We have one ASM who won't let the boys do these--he claims that ziplock corp doesn't approve, and he doesn't either. Personally, I like them (as does my oldest son, it was his go-to meal to plan for the second day of a campout). Don't add cheese until the egg is done, because it's hard to figure out if the egg is done or not. What are topping bowls? The boys just get the toppings out of their bags.
  19. My point is that it seems there were actions done (presumably in front of other ASMs or the SM) that would have caused me to report immediately. If an ASM is sleeping in a vehicle with a scout that isn't his/her son, as an ASM, I'm telling the Council. I feel that's one of the main reason that I'm an ASM, which is to keep the boys safe. Somebody knew besides the boy, that something fishy was going on. If not, then two deep protection was not in place.
  20. We use tater tots for the potatoes in foil packets. We've used smoked sausage (the tiny cocktail sausages), as well as thin steak (my personal favorite) as well. I always use a slice of onion, even for kids who don't like onions (unless allergic). It adds a lot of flaover. Also like diced green pepper in the foil package.
  21. You need to get the SM or Advancement coordinator to get a list of registered Merit Badge counselors from your District or Council.
  22. I, too, agree with Eagle94-A1 on his above post. Summer camp is the real key to the Webelos to Scout transition. Yes, mothers of new scouts think they are too young, but for the most part, they are not. Summer camp begins their process of living on their own. It also begins getting the boys truly used to one another. The other thing is the BSA method works. It's not in theory, but it's a fact. It doesn't work for all, but does work for most. On rereading the OP, how old is this boy, (Age/grade)? If less than 11/6th grade, it was too much of a push, and I honestly don't see why the Troop allowed them to crossover. IMHO, the best time for crossover is February, just after Blue/Gold. Gives plenty of time for the ASMs and older boys to know the scouts before going off on a week with them. I still agree with Eagle 94-A1 for general scouting, but this boy might just have been too young--he needed a second half year of Webelos.
  23. Makes no sense at all. From what I've read (not all the evidence, I know), Mr. Horton should no longer be working for BSA. He did nothing criminally wrong (he wasn't a mandatory reporter per NY law), but he made YP useless. I'm also wondering about the other ASMs and the SM in the troop that Kelsey was a part of. I know as an ASM, I'm reporting any ASM that is sleeping in a car with anybody but his sons.
  24. Catholic schools are flirting with an idea called STREAM. Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics.
  25. Locally, the council participates in Amazon Smile, so my guess is that they wouldn't allow Troops to participate.
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