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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. I had the same problem as Tiger Leader. I ended up going to one of the local schools that had their own closed circuit TV station (i.e. that transmitted through the school by way of cable). The kids ended up making their own news broadcast.
  2. By Boy Scout age, this shouldn't be a problem. They should know to curse when appropriate (i.e. banged toe, etc.) and to not curse when inappropriate (i.e. in front of Mom or in Sunday School).
  3. eghiglie, It's fairly common in the African-American community to have the view that the "with liberty and justice for all" is a lie. That is the first place I encountered it.
  4. While it would puzzle or irritate me, also, I wouldn't say or do a thing about it. He could be a foreign national, or he could have other religious or ethical reasons not to say the Pledge.
  5. Depends on the scout's experience with swimming in a sometimes muddy lake. As a youth, I did most of my swimming in such a place. I would have had little problem finding a 10 lb object in 10 ft of water in turbidity. It might take a few minutes, but a few sweeps along the bottom should do it. I will admit, my sons at the same age probably won't be able to do it, because the majority of their swimming experience is either the surf or a pool.
  6. Here in NW Florida, our pack used to issue "Igloo" patches for anyone who spent the night in a tent below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Here in NW Florida, our pack used to issue "Igloo" patches for anyone who spent the night in a tent below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  8. First, does this guy want to step down? Secondly, and most importantly, is there somebody good who can step up to be den leader in your place. The Cubmaster is an important position, but your own child will be better served by a good den leader with a bad Cubmaster, than a bad den leader and a good Cubmaster.
  9. The arbitrary rule that I enforce but don't agree with is our "No Crocs anywhere scouting" that our pack has. Can't wear them for outdoor activities, nor for pack meetings. I had bought my oldest son "Offroad crocs" for use at campouts specifically, as they have a totally enclosed toe section. He still wears them everywhere but school and scouts and soccer. However, our pack committee voted this rule in, so I abide by it. The thing is, I'm just happy that my son is wearing shoes :-)
  10. The arbitrary rule that I enforce but don't agree with is our "No Crocs anywhere scouting" that our pack has. Can't wear them for outdoor activities, nor for pack meetings. I had bought my oldest son "Offroad crocs" for use at campouts specifically, as they have a totally enclosed toe section. He still wears them everywhere but school and scouts and soccer. However, our pack committee voted this rule in, so I abide by it. The thing is, I'm just happy that my son is wearing shoes :-)
  11. http://download.premiereradio.net/guest/rushlimb/daily/NaziLogoNOLINK.swf
  12. mmhardy, He did not do such a thing. He compared the "Organizing for Health Care" symbol with the Nazi symbol. Here's a link to the "Organizing for Healtch care" Symbol. http://www.barackobama.com/issues/healthcare/index.php The only relationship to the Cadduceus, is the very stylized Caduceus in the above symbol. Here's a link to Rush's site that explains this. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_080609/content/01125106.guest.html
  13. This is pretty common in Cub Scouts. We take the money, and the next year take them off the charter. If we're lucky, they paid Pack dues as well as enrollment feeds.
  14. Just reread your OP. To some degree your attitude about the Scouts already dooms you. You already think it's silly and expensive and useless. Have you thought about stepping up to teach your stepson's group something you think that's useful that is in their advancement for this year? (not being a leader full time, just giving a hand)
  15. That sounds strange to me. Is the biological Dad still in the picture? If so, that could be causing the extra strife. I'm a Webelos Den leader, and I treat all people that come with kids nicely. I don't care what the relationship is (well, except for the uncle that was a sexual offender, who wasn't allowed back).
  16. "Did you ever consider that the scouts may have something that they want to do on Sunday, and that they need not sacrifice their remaining weekend free time to please one or two avid church attenders. " The following basic scout principles apply, not some vague idea of free time: On my honor, I will do my best TO DO MY DUTY TO GOD and my country And to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Also: Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, OBEDIENT, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and REVERENT. A Catholic scout can only do the capitalized above if he attends Sunday Mass if at all possible (no need if in Philmont, a 3 day hike from civilization).
  17. I agree totally with the Complete Walker. It's an awesome book. A more specialized book, for fishermen, I would advocate "Hook, Line and Sinker" by Gary A. Soucie. It has a great section on fishing knots, as well as general (and specific) advice on terminal tackle.
  18. I'm glad to see that our new President accepted the honorary membership, etc. It is a good thing.
  19. Badenp wrote: The problem is most Republican voters get their facts from Fox News or Rush who contort the facts into a manufactured network of plain lies, like it or not. Try listening to the news on PBS for a change you might be surprised when you hear the truth for the first time. I love it when people make such wide-based assumptions about other people. I'm conservative, have been all of my life. I very rarely watch Fox News or listen to Rush(I am almost never in the car during Rush's show). Listening to NPR and network news (primarily NBC because their affiliate has the best local news), I maintain conservative views. If anything, listening to the liberal commentators on NPR, and the biased news in the mainstream media (NPR does have the most unbiased news, they just have liberal commentators), maintains my conservatism, because I understand well how the other side thinks. The thing is, Obama is a politician, just like the rest of them. He made promises that he had little intent to keep, and has his own agenda, which isn't necessarily (sp?) the best agenda for all of us.
  20. Classically speaking, American conservatives and liberals are both "liberal." In fact, in my opinion (as a biased conservative), the American conservative viewpoint is more liberal than the American liberal viewpoint (which I classify as being more progressive (which implies using the power of government to directly improve things)). A classical liberal viewpoint stresses individual freedom, free markets, and limited government. This includes the importance of human rationality, individual property rights, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, individual freedom from restraint, equality under the law, constitutional limitation of government, and free markets. Obama's administration does not have a classic liberal viewpoint. It has a progressive viewpoint.
  21. Oldgray, Godwin's law says nothing about shutting down a conversation. It merely says that the longer an internet discussion grows, the chances of Nazis or Hitler being mentioned approaches one. Informally, that is the point at which further discussion is futile (unless of course WWII is being discussed).
  22. And I thought us Republicans were supposed to be the mean-spirited ones...... Also, the Patriot Act had only one vote against it in the Senate (and one abstaining vote). It was a very bipartisan bill/law. On the subject of Gitmo, though, I will bet that Gitmo will still be open a year from now.
  23. Badenp, the following is what the Founders put in the Constitution: "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. " and "Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" Neither of those can be easily construed as to not allow a preacher freedom of speech on any subject, including politics.
  24. Gern, The Scout office and the Red Cross office also get that "free ride" as do all non-profits.
  25. Scoutldr wrote: So, my opinion: You want to be "obsessed" and have 14 kids under the age of 8 with no husband or visible means of support? NOT A DIME of taxpayer money should you get. Maybe your Dr will help you raise them. Maybe the pro-lifers will send you checks to help out with your God-given right. Yeah, good luck with that. Most pro-lifers (at least the Catholic variety) are also against in-vitro fertilization. This is a non-issue, except as a divisive way to slam pro-lifers. Not very scoutlike, IMHO.
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