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  1. They're all playing from the same sheet of music, but attitudes vary greatly. Unless he staffs (NYLT and Wood Badge) are participant focused, and have a servant leadership mentality, the course will fall short of expectations. If the staffs are hung up on their own importance, they will provide a lesser quality program. We read comments here all the time regarding aloof Wood badge staffers. That's because they are staff focused instead of participant focused. Takes a long time to change that culture.
  2. I agree with Stosh. Scouting provides an opportunity to experience success. These kids get tossed aside all the time. They try hard to keep up (they just want to be 'normal,' and that's hard work for them). They experience failure and rejection every day. Scouting provides a safe place to fail and try again (if the unit plays the game the way it should be played). With guidance and reassurance, they will gain confidence, security, and comfort. Give them a chance. They're just wired a little differently, but they can still get the job done. Plenty of room for growth, and self-improvement for all of us.
  3. The moving a person is from a long time ago (pre 1990). If you took the course since then, it would have been a 'local tradition' that was carried over by someone who still saw value in it.
  4. There certainly could be bluffing (lying would be more accurate). Administrating the game can be difficult, as can the debrief. There's a lot that can go wrong, and that can be disastrous. It's risky, and I'm not a fan. To me, the most significant thing is still the attitude of the staff. If they think it's fun to watch people squirm, or they want to see some drama, then they totally don't understand what being a staff member is all about. Servant leadership requires empathy with/for the patrol members. In Scouting, we're accustomed to having fun. This game isn't fun for those playing it, and it shouldn't be fun for those watching it either. The game is awkward in a Scouting setting, and if it doesn't go well, it serves no purpose.
  5. BDPT00

    "field uniform"

    Yes. It says field uniform.
  6. Sure you can. But it doesn't go on your uniform (It's for civilian wear). I've often seen advancement pins worn on a ribbon that can be affixed to the uniform shirt or worn around the neck on special occasions (Blue & Gold, Courts of Honor). For normal uniform wear, it's not appropriate (and there's no 'proper' place to put it).
  7. That's a shame. Sounds like there's more than one thing wrong there. Somebody should definitely contact you. I'd be very surprised if they don't. Keep us posted on that one.
  8. Yes, it can be a tough game, and yes, it takes a talented staff to pull it off effectively. Not an easy task. I've seen good and bad, and I think the game is too risky to be handled by 'amateurs.' It can turn sour in a hurry, and the point is easily lost or misinterpreted. If the staff gets excited about the game, or think it's fun, then they're totally out of touch with what's going on. I've seen that, too.
  9. Stosh wrote: I don't do well with self-justified fuzzy logic of other people. I'm going to go to the District Dinner and not wear my scout uniform so I can have a cocktail with the meal. Tahawk is correct. Other than common sense, there is no reason why you can't wear your uniform and have your cocktail. The uniform doesn't matter. What does matter though (with or without the uniform) is if Scouts are present.
  10. What's fuzzy logic got to do with money vs. placement?
  11. This has now become two different subjects. One is based upon affordability and mixing of uniform and non-uniform wearing apparel. The other subject has to do with knowingly (or often just ignorance of the guidelines) wearing pins (and patches and sashes) in the wrong place. Two entirely different things with different reasons.
  12. Safety/security/legal mandates: better care. Pins on shirt pocket: don't care.
  13. Oldisnewagain, One would have to look hard to fine me using the word 'judge,' and equally hard to find criticism of a Scout. I'm talking to Scouters here. Gumbymaster, One would, likewise, have to look hard to find ridicule of dated uniforms. It appears that we're trying pretty hard to find fault with the premise that it's our responsibility to set the example. Gumbymaster mentioned that 'uniform' is one of our Methods. Personally, I always try to keep the Aims of Scouting at the forefront, as well as trying to use the Methods. It's not always easy, but we have a pretty simple mantra we go by ... I do my best. In fact, I frequently raise my right hand and promise to do just that. I would submit that that means not cutting corners or trying desperately to find ways to subvert those Methods. The Handbooks and Guidebooks are there to help us do it. Sometimes they probably get in the way of having some fun, but they mean well. So do I.
  14. I remember back in college days when a guy from our school ended up in court because he was wearing a patch incorrectly. It happened to be an upside down U.S. flag on the backside of his jeans. It was his form of protest, and it didn't go over well with the uniform police. There are limits. Now with more liberal interpretations of our first amendment, he'd probably be ok because he was expressing himself. Ok, yes, until he walks into the wrong bar.
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