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pdthayer's Achievements

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Well, they cashed my troop's check this month (May), the day before I went in to get it put on hold. I had sent the check in January. :-( I put my own money back into my Troop's account so the girls wouldn't lose $98 because I was stupid enough to deal with a patch organization that has no phone number and doesn't take credit cards. I'll pursue these ripoff artists when my troop meeting season ends in 2 weeks, amd will disseminate their ripoff operation to wherever I can in Scouting! I have already written to Council and National requesting that any links to this shady organization be deleted! SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM(This message has been edited by pdthayer)
  2. OP did you ever receive your awards? Suggest you try again- I have heard from several GS troops who did receive theirs druing the same time period as yours. I am unfortunately waiting now 2 months for mine - if they scam me I will post the info everywhere I can
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