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Everything posted by pbiner

  1. Hi Craig, I couldn't agree more. Right now I am very involved in my unit and at the district level. I actually wrote up 9 ticket goals, there is so much to do. Trying to get parents to volunteer and run the pack is very important. I am the Camp Director at a Day Camp this year and I can't use THAT as a ticket goal because I started working on it before Wood Badge. They want you to pick a personal goal, along with the other goals, one also being something to do with diversity. I picked the 360 review as my personal goal, it just seemed like a good way to get feedback on how I have been doing and of course, how I can improve. Asking for feedback and/or advice and not taking it into consideration would be a waste of everyone's time. I value my time too much to waste others. Thanks for your reply, PB
  2. Thanks for all the replies, food for thought. infoscouter - Thanks, that is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for! JFL49 - Got it at Wood Badge, just wanted more and different question ideas. CalicoPenn - Very good points. I think a Pack evaluation is something I am going to put up to the Pack Planning Committee. For my 360 review, it would not involve the Scouts (Cubs in my case), but the Scouters and parent volunteers that I work with to keep the Pack running smoothly, especially after a leadership change this year. Thanks again for your replies, I do value the feedback; good, bad or indifferent.
  3. The 360 review is for my own personal growth as a leader in the Scouts. I would like to know how other Scouters and parent volunteers feel about working with me, if I'm effective or not, etc. Most of my work with Scouts is administrative; Pack Planning meetings, district meetings, round table meetings, volunteer coordinator and Camp Director. But for those who think I should be with the boys, I am. I go on most of the events with the Cubs, they all know who I am and seem to get along well with me. Thanks for all the replies.
  4. One of my ticket goals is to do a 360 review. I could use the on-line companies, but they are geared for corporate America with their questions. Has anyone made up their own 360 review questions to ask of other Scouters? I'd love to see what you asked and how it was processed.
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