Yes there are other quite a few packs in the area. Unfortunately this family seems intent on ours.
It is hard to describe the situation with out going into all the "gory details" but it involves some inapropriate behaviour by the parents as well as unfounded accusations made by the parents. There were also many issues of contention over planning, money collection, etc that when sorted out all centered around these parents.
As I said earlier, I am new to leadership in scouting and find it difficult to bellieve that there is not a code, rules of conduct, etc to protect packs in situations like these. I am just having a lot of trouble finding help or guidance in what is the right way to handle something like this. I agree it is not right or fair to deny the boy the ability to be a part of scouting, but if the pack disintegrates over this all will lose out. Though I am sure the pack will survive in some form, the core group of our most dedicated leadership have all stated that they will leave the pack if not scouting all together if forced to associate with this family.