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Everything posted by patricksmomma

  1. I totally intend to keep the aspect of fun in mind for sure! Thanks for putting it into that aspect of the kids are there to have fun. My intentions were totally goal oriented but when it got crazy I figured fun was good. I see you are in warren, I am not too far from you at all north of Romeo. We are in the Tall Pine Council out of Flint though. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  2. Wow! Well I just had my first tiger cub meeting tonight and it was nuts. I had envisioned it being way more organized. The one bad thing is that the room we are using at the school doubles as the 3 year old preschool room and the kids were totally into all the toys. I was trying to juggle informing parents about what to expect and keep the kids involved. My goal for next week is to have an activity waiting for the kids to do immediately when they get there so that they don't have the chance to get crazy. Overall it was tiring but fun. I hope that it can only get better from here.
  3. Hello all! My name is Ellen and I have one son named Patrick, who is in first grade. We just signed him up to be a tiger cub and wouldn't you know it no one could be a den leader so by default it is me now. I am very excited and a bit nervous too. I was not a girl scout and my husband was not a boy scout. I have been reading the tiger cub manual cover to cover though and I think that I have the basic idea of things. I just may have a lot of questions for you all though. Tonight is our first meeting and I have a whole itinerary set up. We are going to start on the bobcat badge and do one requirement for the tiger cub badge. I also have one word game for the boys to do as well. My group is about 9 kids assuming everyone has decided to stick with it. Sooo in short nice to meet all of you and any suggestions would be very much appreciated! thanks
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