My son's troop is off Sunday morning at 6am (or 6:30am, depending on who you ask)...unfortunately we have been very unimpressed by the lack of information/communication coming out of our Scoutmaster and Council regarding this point (Friday midnight) we still have unanswered questions (differing information coming from the Scoutmaster and the Council) about uniforming, transportation, etc....for example, the question of whether all Scouts need a photo ID.....our council (after being questioned several times)checked with national this afternoon(!), at which time they were told, YES, photo IDs are required....I guess they're going to tell the Scouts this tomorrow(!)....of course, we have no phone tree or email mailing list, so getting info out is sketchy, anyway....
Eamonn, I told my Scout to look you up....he's also in Subcamp 04....our contingents are Troops 4402 and 4403....unfortunately, someone made a mistake ordering their numbers (they should be Troops 402 and 403!)....this seems to be par for the course for the way our Jamboree contingent has been organized (or disorganized)...
Sorry to gripe, and I'm not down on dh and I have both been very involved and I know it's a good program...oh well, I'm sure when they get to Jambo it will be Scout is a veteran of Seabase, etc. so he'll be OK....It just is a poor showing when such an experience is so poorly organized (these examples are just some from a fairly long list).....