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pargolf44067 last won the day on August 11 2015

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  1. I had heard something a month or so ago that something like this was happening. The rumor I had heard from a couple of different people is that it was going to be merged into 1 council, which I thought was ridiculous.
  2. We take the month of August off from regular weekly meetings, but we have our annual planning meeting (and by we, I mean, the PLC and I) in August. We had our elections in May, so the boys knew who to go to in order to give ideas for the next year. Our first committee meeting isn't until the first meeting of the year where we review the calendar that the boys have come up with. It isn't always perfect, but it works fairly well. I guess I would ask who is running the planning meeting and why it isn't the boy leaders. (in a nice way obviously )
  3. I have heard from a couple of different people that there is talk of merging four or five councils in Northeast Ohio into one large council. I haven't heard anything official, but a couple of different people who are not in the same circle saying this has me somewhat concerned.
  4. Like you said @@Stosh, be careful what you wish for. About 8 years ago, I had 16 kids cross over at once and that was tough, and I had a bigger troop to begin with! Now we are lucky to get 1 or 2 a year, so somewhere in the middle would be good .
  5. So here's a question. What happens when the situation is reversed? We have volunteered ourselves to help with meetings, offered den chiefs, invited to camp, invited to meetings, etc with our CO's pack and we can never get responses. We only got one of their Webelos this year (their four split between three troops). Usually the only time we hear from their leaders is when they want to get their bridge out of our shed. We haven't given up yet and we keep trying. One of their main leaders' son went to another troop this year with his older brother, but he seemed to be directing all the activities towards this other troop, so I hope now that he isn't involved it will start to get better, but we'll see.
  6. Actually, @@Krampus, we used to do this in our district and we got a lot of Webelos this way. Most of the troops would actually have an activity for the boys to do rather than just talking at them and then the adult leaders could answer any questions about the troop the parents had. It was a very well done program. We hadn't done it for awhile and I suggested to our Unit Commissioner how useful that was. She mentioned something to the district/council powers that be and they decided to try something again this year. However, we just got notice of it and it is in 3 weeks. Not sure how much attendance from either Webelos or troops we will get. I guess my point on this was that something like this can be very good if done the right way.
  7. So sorry for the loss. She was always a great read. I, too, lost my mother to cancer at a relatively young age. Although you go on, there is always a huge hole in your heart. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
  8. I just got a group email from our district advancement chair stating that if we got the email we were officially on the MBC lists. And, oh by the way, attached is our MB Midway flyer, please make sure to sign up to do a couple of MBs. Now, I really like our advancement chair and he really is a good guy who likes to do things by the book for the most part. But he is pressured by council to push their MB Midway to get counselors to volunteer. This is the second request I have received to sign up. I am sure by the time this happens in late winter, there will be at least 5-6 more times that I will be asked. Again, like some others have said there are probably some very good counselors who will do a good job at this, but it is so unbelievably crowded with people's unrealistic expectations, I am sure it will be a big disappointment in the end.
  9. Echoing everyone else here @@skeptic, glad you made it through and take care of yourself. Thoughts and prayers with you.
  10. @@Eagle94-A1, I am probably stating the obvious here, but I tip my hat to you. From the posts on this thread, you truly care about the boys and making the troop as good as you can. The fact that you are willing to do whatever you can to help the boys and the troop become truly boy led just amplifies this.
  11. As is my son, an Eagle from the 2011 class. I manage a business intelligence and data anlytics team for a specialty retailer.
  12. There was a couple of posts in the Scout Cooking topic that talked about breaking camp on Sunday and what time people head home. I admit that we are a troop that breaks camp and leaves around 9 or 9:30, which is not the earliest in camp, by the way. However, the one thing that I noticed is most camps around us want troops to check out by 11 with some as early as 10. Like I said, I guess most scouts are gone by then anyway, but for those who want to stay it is hard when the camps are kicking troops out by mid-morning. For those who said they don't break camp until later, are you at scout camps or other types of camps that you can stay later, or do your scout camps stay open later?
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