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Everything posted by Papadaddy

  1. PS: I guess what I think is that the lad should be welcomed as a guest and allow him to participate in the activities. I do not agree with registering him as a member without the parents' consent. (Don't they have to sign the application form?)
  2. Out of curiosity, I looked up "Scouting in China" and found out that it has been officially banned in China since 1949. An effort to start a scouting program was squashed by the government in 2004. The Chinese equivalents are the "Young Pioneers" and the "Communist Youth League". I think if my kid went to China as an exchange student and their host parents enrolled them in the Communist Youth League without my permission, I would be more than pissed. Wonder what the lad's parents have to say about it? I'm pretty sure what the Chinese government thinks.
  3. When my boys were small, we would each be responsible for one dinner per week. When it was their turn, we often had hot dogs, mac and cheese, or "breakfast for dinner", but it was their choice and they planned it and prepared it. My wife taught them to do their own laundry from a very young age...about 3rd grade. WHen my eldest got to college, he made a point of calling us to say, "thanks for making me learn all that stuff...these kids here can't do ANYTHING!"
  4. I believe the above is true only if the Unit has incorporated as a non-profit 501©(3) organization. MOST units have not, and operate as an arm of their CO. (I am not an accountant nor an attorney, so seek proper legal advice).
  5. Rules and Regulations of the BSA, Article XI, Section 1. "(b) Unit Obligations. In the event of the dissolution of a unit or the revocation or lapse of its charter, the unit committee shall apply unit funds and property to the payment of unit obligations and shall turn over the surplus, if any, to the local council, if there is one, or if there is no local council, dispose of the same in accordance with the direction of the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America. In the case of a chartered organization, any funds or equipment which may have been secured as property of the unit shall be held in trust by the chartering organization or the chartered local council, as may be agreed upon, pending reorganization of the unit or for the promotion of the program of the Boy Scouts of America." This has been discussed here many times in the past. The above is part of the Charter Agreement. The CO is granted a license by the BSA to use its program and materials for its youth program in exchange for an agreement to follow the Rules, Regulations, Policies and program of the BSA. Therefore, a Unit is an entity of the CO, not of the BSA. If the unit is dissolved (charter not renewed), the CO agrees to give it all to the Council, if they want it.
  6. I wouldn't worry about what the parents think. Sounds like a fine opportunity for some "expert" MB counseling, which is rare. Recruiters get their prospect lists from high schools, not by posing as MBC.
  7. "Under the sky or in a tent"...seems pretty clear to me...
  8. Firstly, you should review your manners. Your first post to an online community is to resurrect a 4 year old post and insult us? Not impressed.
  9. Do you now have a black Suburban parked outside your house?
  10. Google "Boy Scout Roundtable Planning Guide"...there is an official BSA pub, plus many councils have uploaded their own. Should be enough there to keep you busy. Don't try to reinvent the wheel.
  11. For the POTUS to comment on a local criminal case which is still being discussed for potential prosecution at the Federal level was grossly inappropriate. The arrogance and stupidity of this White House never ceases to amaze me. He is clearly pandering to the Democrat party voting base...again. Everyone involved in the case, including the Martin family attorney and Trayvon's mother has said it was not racially motivated. Accept the verdict and move on. Meanwhile, not a word is said about the hundreds of black lives lost to violence every day in cities like Chicago, Detroit, etc.
  12. "Unable"...or "unwilling"?...I had a scout who was 15 before he made 2nd class for the same reason...the look on his face when he finally made it was priceless. He's now an Eagle Scout and a Junior in college.
  13. So much for the BSA policy allowing parents to attend and observe any meeting, function or venue attended by their children. Seems to me, requiring a $35 fee violates that policy.
  14. Because, DOD, that's what the BSA Uniform and Insignia guide states. Your proper "Class A" uniform already includes your lodge flap (indicating you are an active lodge member with paid up dues) and the OA pocket dangle (aka, "pocket rocket"), indicating your national OA membership. Why in the world do you need yet another doo-dad indicating your Arrowman status? The guidelines state that the sash is to be worn only at OA functions or when representing the OA, such as when serving as a member of an election team. As a "loyal" member of the BSA, you should send your suggestion to National in a letter recommending the change. But until the policy is changed, you should set the example and wear the uniform correctly. That's what real Arrowmen do as part of those "weighty responsibilities."
  15. I don't think you will have a problem. You will not be able to keep the knives in your possession while on the plane or in airports. They must be in your checked baggage, but check the TSA rules to be certain. Also, weapons of any kind are not permitted in most Government buildings such as courthouses or schools. Having them in your RV while traveling should not be a problem. I believe most laws governing knives will restrict blade length to under 6 inches, and in some localities, "switchblade" knives are not permitted (knives which spring open when you push a button). Enjoy your visit to the US and keep us updated on your travels!
  16. Don't know about "prissy". But it has morphed into something that placates the helicopter parents, the lawyers, and those boys who would rather sit in front of a video game than rappel down a tower. LIke any other organism, it has adapted to the environment in which it finds itself, rather than go extinct.
  17. The ASMs report to the SM, so it's in his/her job description to reel him in and give him something to do, other than micromanaging the troop. What is your position in the unit?
  18. There is a "Today's Posts" button, but as soon as you log in, it goes away. If you want to leave a reply, you have to log in, post your reply, then log back out to review the other posts. It's a pain...more than I'm willing to deal with.
  19. You should call the Scout office for your Council and ask to speak to the District Executive for your neighborhood. He/she should be able to help you. If you don't know what Council you are in, let us know where you live (city/state) and we can help you.
  20. The "design" of the ECOH is up to the Scout and his family, as long as it is in good taste, respectful and non-offensive. What you have described is not out of line. Brief is good. I've had Scouts who elected to have NO ceremony, and we just dropped the medal off at their house. Their choice.
  21. Cub in chow line at camporee:"I can't eat spaghetti without parmesan cheese" Me: "Ok, fine. NEXT!"
  22. "I couldn't possibly be a Den Leader...I WORK full-time." - Cub Parent, circa 1985
  23. "Dens only meet once a month"...is there some reason the den leaders can't meet once a week, as the program is designed? I am always amused at those who don't follow the program, then ask for solutions when it doesn't work out. The others are correct...once a boy is advanced to the next level, he can't go back and work on badges he didn't complete.
  24. I was faced with that, as the District Rep at a unit EBOR. Everyone was clueless until one of the letters of recommendation stated how nice it was that he was taking responsibility for his new son. he had just turned 18 and was "living in sin" with the baby momma in her parents' home. The troop committee was livid that they were blindsided, since apparently the SM knew all about it and didn't think it was worth mentioning. The vote was to deny the Eagle. He appealed to Council and they awarded the Eagle. This was about 10 years ago.
  25. That was no "forced resignation". He was "acting"...a temporary appointment that was set to expire by law anyway. Just more smoke and mirrors. Your response is typical, "you're obviously a racist for criticising Obama and Bush was just as bad."...sad. Really sad. We are focusing on what we should be...the sanctity of the Constitution and the rights of the people to be free of governmental abuse of power.
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