Hello all. This is Scoutldr. I would have posted sooner, but I was waiting for the malware at the site to get resolved. My new handle represents my new status as a grandfather...beautiful baby girl born April 18th to my younger son and his wife. It seems that when you close your account, it can never be reopened...or at least I couldn't get any response to my request, until OGE suggested on FB that I just open a new one. So, my message count stands at "1" I guess, rather than ~4000. Since I last posted, I've been lurking daily. My life has become less hectic, so I thought I'd rejoin the campfire. My MIL, whom we were caring for in my home, passed away a year ago, and we've been busy trying to get used to being "empty nesters" again. Also, being the executor of an estate is a lot of work, even for a simple one. The troop that I served was not rechartered in January. All of our remaining scouts got their Eagle and aged out. Recruiting is dismal in this area, and we tried to turn the troop over to our sister Pack's Webelos leaders (a "turnkey" operation, including all equipment), but there was no interest, including from the CO and DE. SO, after 21 years, we hung up our hats and called it a career. After all, our sons are now in their 30s, so I think we are entitled to "retire" and let someone else have the opportunity to serve. The District has been calling trying to entice me with a job no one else wants...still resisting, but not sure for how long. Anyway, I hope to be welcomed back, and have probably "mellowed" a bit during my hiatus. Life is short. If you're not enjoying the journey, you need to make changes.