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Everything posted by Papadaddy

  1. I take it from your questions that you are not a registered (with the District), trained, Merit Badge Counsellor?
  2. I vote with the others. Keep the money and put it toward your next event. This was not "fundraising", you were just trying to cover expenses.
  3. There needs to be a meeting with the SM, COR, Camp Director and Scout Executive. They may take it out of your hands. All the Camp Director can do is document it and send him home. Membership decisions are up to the COR and/or the SE. And as a routine EBOR District representative, I would vote no on handing him his Eagle. To do so would send the worst possible message to the other scouts and parents, who no doubt know all about what is going on.
  4. This was a special commemorative patch for the 100th Anniversary year, 2010. Sounds like the Scout Shop is trying to get rid of excess inventory. IMHO, if you weren't a member during the year 2010, you probably shouldn't be wearing it, although it's up to you.
  5. Actually, the Lenape people just call themselves "Lenape", which means "the original people". LennI Lenape means "original original people" and is redundant. And this was not an "unfotunate accident" as the Council stated in their release. It was stupidity, it was foreseeable and prevenatable.
  6. We always took our own photos, even before digital. One less thing to worry about during check-in.
  7. Just read an article that reported that atheists want their own Chaplains in the military. I'm so confused. When the Chaplain "ministers" to their spiritual needs, just exactly what would he/she do?
  8. I agree with Frank, except I would remove them both now. You stated that this was not the first time and that there's a "history" between them. How many "chances" should they get? The liability is that the parents of the other scouts will decide that they don't want their sons subjected to such bad examples of "adult association" and will vote with their feet.
  9. Interesting discussion. Are we about teaching kids how to camp, or how to invent ways to skirt the rules?
  10. Before we go invokng the name of OSHA, they have no jurisdiction over Boy Scouts or volunteers. Maybe RichardB can enlighten us. We also have an annual "Punkin Chunkin" and it's news to me.
  11. I agree, if this was an "official" function of the BSA, council, district or unit, with youth participation, then alcohol was not allowed under the G2SS. Whether in uniform or not is irrelevant.
  12. They do it because you let them. If you are going to constantly make exceptions, don't complain about it.
  13. So, your Council doesn't operate a camp?
  14. Call your Council office and see what they have to offer. This information should be disseminated down to the parents via the Pack leadership.
  15. Hmmm. No den leaders. No committee. No parent interest. A fraction of the meetings you should be having and the boys don't even show up for those. Sounds like you don't have a Pack. How did they even recharter? I would request a meeting of the COR, Unit Commissioner and District Executive and be prepared to tender your resignation. The DE will try to talk you out of it, but be firm. It is the CORs job to recruit and approve leaders and to allow you to function in the position you are registered in (CM). Your first obligation is to your own son and his scouting experience. You can't do it all yourself. Thanks for trying.
  16. http://home.earthlink.net/~boy-scouts/images/BSA_Catalog_Winter1969-70.pdf
  17. You want the same rule for Things like James E West and Other Monetary based Awards? What do you have against where the money comes from? Should we Require the Scout to get a Job and pay for everything themselves? That would change the types of projects Scouts do now days and stop the Majority of "Out Doing" we do now days.. A Scout can arrange a Community Service Projects or they can arrange to pay for a Display they Build out of Pocket to Honor themselves. .The Question was when should the Scout stop requesting additional funding...simple...when project is completed. I agree. Fundraising is part of the project. If the fundraising is not finished, then the project is not complete and should not be signed off.
  18. One reason is that the UNIT CO has to approve your membership, not just the BSA. Troops and Crews don't always have the same CO.
  19. Two of our DEs have dropped dead on the job. Just saying.
  20. Not in FL, but you might want to check out Bayport Scout Reservation in Virginia - Colonisl Virginia Council.
  21. I see nothing wrong with what you did. "2 deep" applies to outings, not meetings, in my opinion. As long as there was no 1 on 1 contact, you're fine. As long as the boys were on the property, I don't see the concern.
  22. Just tried to post a comment on the Summer Camp Pricing thread. Got an error message, "You are not authorized to create this post". I'm just about done with this forum.
  23. I don't know why we need a "rule" for everything. Fundraising is an integral part of the project. Once the beneficiary signs off that the work is complete, the project is "done". If the parents gave the scout a "loan" in order to meet a deadline (age?), with the intent that the scout would continue fundraising after the deadline, that's called "cheating". So...if I were in a position to decide, I would say no more fundraising for that purpose.
  24. The Salvation Army hands out free stuff. That trumps everything.
  25. All unit leaders serve at the pleasure of the CO, and most of the time that power is delegated to the COR. Unless there is a youth protection issue, most Councils won't get involved with unit politics. Take your talents (and wallet) elsewhere.
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